Ledger strip nailing. OK or not.

Terminx replaced many floor joists in this crawl space. They added the ledger strip for support. Most I see have 3 nails beneath each joist. Is there any specific c-de that requires a certain nailing pattern? I sure don’t see it in the IRC.

022510 161.JPG 022510 159.JPG 022510 162.JPG

It looks like that ledger is bearing right on the curtain wall which is fine as is. Somewhere the code states 3 nails under each joist but that would be a ledger without additional support in my opinion.

Since when do we use nails in masonry?

It’s nailed to the rim joist. Just a tad sits on the crawl space wall, as Bruce mentioned.

Flying through and saw what appeared to be a ledger board nailed in to CMU.

R502.6 deals with bearing of joist…I don’t have my ICC book with me to actually verify the 3 nails under each joist however that is the case with code inspectors.


The information you asked for is in the 2009 IRC TABLE R602.3(1) FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS:

Ledger strip supporting joists or rafters 3-16d (3 1/ 2" x 0.135") At each joist or rafter.

This may help.

Ledger Strip to Beam (face-nailed)3- 16d each joist


What is the condition of the base plate? This looks like they nailed a furring strip to it to conceal it. I may be off base but there is not enough to go on with those photos. The bearing on the “ledger” is inadequate.

As I recall, there wasn’t a base plate. You often don’t see them around here. This house had large portions of the band sill and floor joists replaced, along with the ledger.

Thanks for everyone’s feedback.

So, in my humble opinion, that horizontal 2x2 can do nothing structural. So, the nailing doesn’t matter. Maybe my California up-bringing.

The 2x2 holds up the floor joists so the nailing is very important. In the posted pictures it has substandard nailing but has some extra backup support by bearing on the brick. Its not perfect but not going anywhere. No need to write it up but ok to do so if you choose.

A 2x2 holds up a floor joist???I guess building outside of California really is…different. I have never seen a 2x2 used for anything other than trim.

IRC R502.6.2 Joist framing. Joists framing into the side of a
wood girder shall be supported by approved framing
anchors **or on ledger strips not less than nominal 2 inches by
2 inches **(51 mm by 51 mm).

Done that way here 90% of the time.

I don’t doubt that is a acceptible way of building in your area, just never have seen it. Being new to this site, I need to keep in mind the differences from state to state. Building has changed so much here. Now homes are built to commercial standards. Thats why they made a pnumatic “tico” hardware nail gun.

Joe, in a couple of those pictures it looks like there is old framing still present? If that’s the case where the joists sistered on? Hard to tell.

You were there and as I said the pictures really don’t tell me much, looks more like a 1x2 in the photo,and it doesn’t seem like there is enough space for another full brick behind the ledger. I will defer to your judgement as it is often the case that the picture doesn’t tell the whole story. I can tell you that in many cases in the past termite damage reconstruction work done by several large companies that I have observed was half azzed.

Structurally unacceptable unless the joists are bearing a minimum of 1 1/2 inches on the plate. In other words… the 2x2 is a waste of time. The nails support 3/4 inch of wood (half the thickness of the 2x2. Structurally inadequate… call it.

Kenton is correct. The IRC, specifically IRC R502.6.2, is wrong. 2" by 2"s (which are only 1.5" by 1.5"s) being held in place by nails that have little shear or withdraw strength are worthless, structurally.

There are many noticeable errors in the IRC, especially with regard to the IRC’s sheathing span charts.

The code says nominal 2x2 which is actually 1.5 x 1.5. This gives you the 1.5 end bearing and when properly nailed is adequate and meets code.

Nominal vs actual sizes: