Originally Posted By: mpettitt This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
1984 concrete block Florida home w/ lower walk out:
The 2x8 floor joists (as viewed from the lower walk out) are notched and resting on 2x2 ledgers that are nailed to the band joist and center beam about every 16" with 16d nails. The joist themselves are toe-nailed to the band joist and beam with only two nails on each side. Do you think this is adequate or should joist hangars be recommended. Sorry, no pics
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It would be fine except for the lack of nails. In my opinion nailing the ledger strip 16" oc is inadequite and two nails per joist side also. If you are going to be that lazy spend the money for hangers.