I am fairly new to the industry. I have taken a course in HI at a Community College. I also have and continue to study some inspection and construction books. The Complete Book of HI by Norman Becker, HI From A to Z by Guy Cozzi, and For Pros By Pros Inspecting A House by Rex Cauldwell. Just to name a few. I’ve also done a ride along and a few inspections with the school. I’m also getting into reading the NACHI board regularly and I have completed the roofing course. On my new, current 9 to 5 I inspect condos for a warranty company but our inspections are not as detailed as my home inspections for a client would be. I was planning to launch out this spring part-time on my own. I have some connections so I don’t think that getting business will be a problem but I am concerned about being ready, being knowledgeable enough. I was giong to take the AHIT 6 or 7 day course before I started my new job but I wasn’t able to make the scheduling work. Now I’m looking at a home study course. AHIT and CarsonDunlap both look good but AHIT is cheaper. Also one of AHIT sample videos they showed on the web site was a CarsonDun. video. They also advertise the same number of videos. Does anyone know if they are the same? The Carson reference books however do seem more in depth. Any way that’s the situation, ALL help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long message but I seldom post so I have a lot to ask when I do.
Oh yeah! Also I know there is a local NACHI chapter in MD but I hardly ever here of anything going on in our area training wise. Is there a mailing or contact list that I can get on or something? Are there any local members who wouldn’t mind helping me out or at least keeping contact? I’m in Upper Marlboro, MD.
The last thing I want to know is can I repost this message on the general discussion forum, so I can get as many responses as possible?
If you go back on these many post you will find there have been many like you just starting out and many ideas and information is posted more then you can read in the next week .
more questions then you can think of have been asked and answered.
Stay reading and you can learn from all of us .
Good luck and keep studying
I have taken the AHIT 7 day program and I thought it was good. The books offered with the program will get you going in the right direction. When I was taking the course, I ordered “The Illustrated Home” book by Carson Dunlop. I was very impressed and asked the instructor why AHIT didnt offer more of the Carson Dunlop books. He said the books were actually in his opinion much better than the ones AHIT offered, but they were more expensive. Since taking the course, I have ordered 2 books from Carson Dulops “Principles of Home Inspection” series. VERY INFORMATIVE. To give an example, AHIT has a book that covers heating and air that is roughly 150 pages. there is a section in the book that covers Heat Pumps. They devote about 2 or 3 pages on Heat Pumps. Carson Dunlop has a book on AC and Heat Pumps that is 172 pages. So which is more thourough? On the downside, The Carson Dunlop books are about twice the price. Definately worth the money in my humble opinion.
I dont want to come down on AHITs program or materials, as I am very happy I took the course. I guess I just felt that the books could have been more in depth. The Carson Dunlop books, however, are truly on another level. Hope this helps.
They have an appendix that says the books are based on the 2000 ASHI standards. The information presented seems to be pretty neutral. I am fairly new, so there very well could be some better material out there, but for now this is keeping me busy. They sure don’t tell you just how much there is to learn in this field. I love it though.
I too am new to industry, I undertook the Carson Dunlop home study. I must say I was pretty impressed with overall program and if you pay the extra for tech support they are pretty helpful.
The videos were ok but I think CD’s would be better for viewing quality.
There are 10 books of about 500-600 pages of text, some of the technical details were maybe a bit complex and maybe could have been simplified, with photographic pictorials.
I think if you studied the course religiously you’d probably be up to speed with the theory side of things, but I can only compare it to doing my carpentry training, the theory was about 50%. It was only when I got on site I really learned the way things were done.
By the way they do give Canadian examples were they differ from US.