"Magnetrip" by Zinsco

I didn’t have any luck getting responses the last place I asked . . .

This is not your “classic” Zinsco panel box.

Today’s inspection, said “Magnetrip” on the cover, didn’t see “Zinsco” till I got inside.

Old, for sure, but do they have any historical issues, like the “regular” Zinscos?


Magnetrip is also affected.



Russell I am not sure if this helps but the inspect NY site blames failure on aluminum parts while a past june NACHI thread seems to state magnetrip was copper.hmmm

Hi to all,

Russ, back in the late 50’s and early 60’s Zinsco branded their panels as MagnaTrip, without seeing a picture I can’t be sure, but every MagnaTrip panel I have seen or seen pictures of was just a standard zinsco so I would avdise the client to have the breaker connections evaluated by a licensed electrician.



Hey Joe this was your thread and it ranks on Google.
under magnetrip

Hi to all,

here you go I knew I had scalped a pic of a magnatrip.

as others have said the aluminum rather than the copper bus bars are the real issue here.




Guys, thanks to each one of you!:smiley:
I’m calling it out as a concern, with my standard Z phrasing.

BTW, this was all copper. There was a “66” scrawled x the front in pencil, but who knows . .

Russ, they missed a 6 :twisted:



Actually, Ger, the 2 sixes looked like rabbit profiles . . .
Killer rabbits!
:smiley: :wink: :smiley: