Not used to seeing a main breaker outside and also one inside at panel. Does anything with bonding or any rules change here? Here are some pics if anyone could help me out. PS I know about the missing knock out but if you see anything else feel free to let me know. Thanks for any help with this.
Nothing wrong with a main CB in the sub-panel. It can even be larger than the OCPD in the service panel.
Thank you for clearing that up for me Robert.
You’re welcome. It’s sometimes done this way because it can be cheaper to buy a panel with a main CB as opposed to a main lug only due to availability.
Ah, good to know. thanks for the help.
Note the term that Robert used for the interior panel “sub-panel”. When you have a main disconnect at the meter the downstream panel is not a “service” panel. Note the four wire feed to the interior panel. I doubt that blue jacketed conductor belongs on the bus with the EGCs.
I was unsure of the blue jacketed wire myself. Does it look incorrect?
I can’t tell what it is from the photo, but only EGCs should be landed on that bus and blue is not a typical color for an EGC.
OK well im calling for an electrician to fix the missing knock out i will mention the blue wire also. Thanks for the heads up.
Also double tapped neutrals on main panel so far.
I think I can see a gap in the blue coloring. That may mean that the conductor was taped, colored with a blue marker, or painted blue. As to why someone would do that in North America I won’t even guess. Just so folks are aware Blue is the standard color for the neutral conductor in many parts of the world outside North America. Also be aware, for the purposes of the commercial inspections that some of you do, that Gray is an acceptable color for Neutral Conductors in the US National Electrical Code (NEC). That was originally because the color of some cable insulation was “Natural Gray,” read grayish white, as a result of the manufacturing process used. It continues in the code to facilitate the color coding required by the NEC to identify systems with different voltages.
Looks like the blue comes out of the gray plastic connector on the bottom left with no other conductors. It could be some type of GEC or bonding jumper, although the GEC should not terminate in the sub-panel unless it’s a separate structure and it would go on the ground bus not the neutral bus. A GEC can be blue.
What’s a double tap? I can’t find it in the NEC.
If two grounded conductors are under the same lug what’s the problem? Other than being a ‘code’ violation! It may be a safety issue in a commercial application but never in a residential application.
In Ohio HI are not allowed to inspect the inside of an electrical panel or make CODE comments.
All of the ‘Service Equipment’ resides on the exterior of the home. It is very possible the main switch in the ‘panelboard’ inside the home has no built-in overcurrent protection and serves merely a 100 amp rated disconnect switch, the equipment may be matched from the manufacturer to operate as installed. In any case there are no issues with this set up.
No. Nothing changes.
what is the picture of?
looks like a single wire is loose and hot! the ‘doubles’ look just fine!
It’s a double.
Prove your claim.
How do I prove the existence of no problem?
If your claim was true every ‘double’ in the picture would have a high temp. The ONE high temp is an exception and not the rule.
A code violation is not the same as a safety hazard or a defect.
The only reason that it MAY be unsafe is here:
You should never be removing wires from a terminal unless that circuit is de-energized. SO no safety hazard.
408.41 Grounded Conductor Terminations. Each grounded conductor shall terminate within the panelboard in an individual terminal that is not also used for another conductor.
Exception: Grounded conductors of circuits with parallel conductors shall be permitted to terminate in a single terminal if the terminal is identified for connection of more than one conductor.
“If two grounded (neutral) conductors were connected to the same terminal, and someone removed one of them, the other might unintentionally be removed as well. If that happens to the grounded (neutral) conductor of a multiwire circuit, it could result in excessive line-to-neutral voltage for one of the circuits.”