Mark Tiampani

I was glad to see that Mark made the front page of the Biz section of AZ daily Star today. I saw his pic and thought I know him. Then after reading on he gave an excellent accounting of his work and his affiliation with NACHI.

Cudoes to you Mark!!:D:D

Excellent rite up!!

Best of luck in these hard times Mark.

Happy Holidays to you and yours.

This is BIG, folks. Please give Mark the posts he deserves…

Got a link to the article??

No, I dont, but trust me it is there front and center…Try AZ Star , you might have to subscribe…

Marks picture is there and his oppinion, it is great!!!

I would never lie about such a thing.

I couldn’t find a link but I emailed him to ask about it. It’s spelled Timpani for anyone else trying to find it.

I have it and I will typr it word for word…

My name is Mark Tiampini and I love helping people! I am a Certtified Master Home Inspector, one of only four in Arizona. I belong to theArizona State Board of Technical Registration, and the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors(NACHI), the world’s largets, most elite home inspection association… My company is Pride property inspections. I work closely withhomeowners, future home buyers, home sellers, Realators, and realestate investors. I am also a member of the Tucson Association of Realtors.

My company provides complete, thorough inspections, detailed reports,and digital photographs.

The entire house is checked in accordance with the NACHI Standards of Practice, as well as the Arizona American Society of Home Inspectors ( ASHI) Standards.

I complie with a high code of ethics and proffesionallisiom.

I examine every house as if it were my own or family members were going to buy it.

My home inspections are so much more than just an inspection. They are an education. I enjoy sharing my house knowledge and expertise with my clients. I give a complete walk around with every inspection to each and show the in’s and out’s of the home. I love helping young couples buying threre first home, or an older person who has lived in there home for 30 years and wants it checked before they sell. I also enjoy completeing new-construction home i spections for my clients to assure them the house they are purchasing has been completed safely and properly.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have- I would be more than happy to answer them. For more information, please call 520-750-0450…

Like the saying goes, I found something I lovedoing and made a career out of it.

Mark Timpani,

Sorry I had your name wrong MarK/

Merry Cristmas my friend.:):slight_smile:

Does that work for you?

I typed it…

I hope I did you rite Mark…:slight_smile:

Mark you deserve more.

I guess if it is not Nick linked it is not good enough, but in my mind you hit the top of the ladder my friend:cool:

Cudoes my friend!!!

Hey, Merry Cristmas to you and yours! Or happy Hanuchucka or whatever, but I wish you and yours the best!!!

Take care mark…:slight_smile:

Good Evening Mr. Tallen;

You appear to have pissed off the InterNACHI 100. No post responses for you…

Congrats to Mark!

Merry Christmas All…

Hey Todd, thank you very much!!

Here is the article. It wasn’t online.

img298 (Small).jpg

Very nice Mark! :slight_smile:

Mark, Why do so many Nachi Inspectors feel the need to mention that they meet ASHI Standards in their marketing. You should read the Washington State Sunrise CommitteeReport, I know it has little to do with AZ or other States but it does show how the courts and other legal enforcement agencies deal with Inspectors who claim “association” with orgnizations they don’t belong to but claim to meet that organizations Standards". Out of all the examples of Inspectors claiming to meet or exceed the “Standards” of another organization, I wonder why none of them claimed Nachi???

I know why I do it is because I use the Carson Dunlop reporting system and it is what they use .
Now How about a nice simple answer from You .
Why do you hang out at the NACHI site and challenge so many NACHI things .
How about fair play.
… Cookie


How can an inspector meet an orginizations standards if they’re not a member?

Here in California CREIA is the most commonly recognized inspection organization. Agents, once or twice a year will ask me if I’m a CREIA member. I simply respond no, I’m with InterNACHI the worlds largest organization and its SOP meets and or exceeds similar organizational standards including CREIA, ASHI, NAHI, etc…

In a nut shell, it’s simply a way to make the agent and or client feel more comfortable if they’re not familiar with InterNACHI…

Like owning a Vespa and calling oneself a biker, I see. :wink:


Is it a “Nachi Thing”** to refer to another associations SOP in an attempt to gain credibility. As I pointed out, the legal system doesn’t seem to look kindly on using the standards of an Association you don’t belong to. What’s wrong with your Nachi Standards? Other than the ESOP Committee policy of allowing Nachi members to disclaim large portions of the SOP to get around State Laws and items the member is not qualid=fied to inspect, the NACHI SOP is fine, why refer to someone elses?

Why not just say that Nachi Standards meet or exceed the Standards every other Association instead of mentioning ASHI?