I have it and I will typr it word for word…
My name is Mark Tiampini and I love helping people! I am a Certtified Master Home Inspector, one of only four in Arizona. I belong to theArizona State Board of Technical Registration, and the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors(NACHI), the world’s largets, most elite home inspection association… My company is Pride property inspections. I work closely withhomeowners, future home buyers, home sellers, Realators, and realestate investors. I am also a member of the Tucson Association of Realtors.
My company provides complete, thorough inspections, detailed reports,and digital photographs.
The entire house is checked in accordance with the NACHI Standards of Practice, as well as the Arizona American Society of Home Inspectors ( ASHI) Standards.
I complie with a high code of ethics and proffesionallisiom.
I examine every house as if it were my own or family members were going to buy it.
My home inspections are so much more than just an inspection. They are an education. I enjoy sharing my house knowledge and expertise with my clients. I give a complete walk around with every inspection to each and show the in’s and out’s of the home. I love helping young couples buying threre first home, or an older person who has lived in there home for 30 years and wants it checked before they sell. I also enjoy completeing new-construction home i spections for my clients to assure them the house they are purchasing has been completed safely and properly.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have- I would be more than happy to answer them. For more information, please call 520-750-0450…
Like the saying goes, I found something I lovedoing and made a career out of it.
Mark Timpani,
Sorry I had your name wrong MarK/
Merry Cristmas my friend.:)