Originally Posted By: jhorton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
After renewing my insurance this year and way it skyrocketed in price I need to drum up some more business to justify the cost of keeping my license. Were a mostly rural market and Inspections have always been more or sideline thing for me. But due the cost’s I have got to bring in some more work. I think that this just drove several other Inspector out of the business so that may help.
I have taken one of NACHI's ideas and made a postcard to promote pre-sale inspections. I have access to the MLS so I am thinking of sending one to every new listing that comes on the market. Well in certain price range that is. I just dropped a $50 a month ad I have been doing for a long time and I am thinking that is probably about the same price and feel it would generate more business.
Anyone tried anything like this?
Any input on the card? I might disagree but I always want input.
-- Jeff <*\\><
The man who tells the truth doesn't have to remember what he said.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The postcard looks nice. One thing you should know is that when you read prelisting inspection on NACHI, that is exactly what they meant, before the agent puts the house on the market. I don't think I would stop sending them out, just send them out locally in your area, instead of sending them to listings.
BTW...no matter what is said about the inspection market, you will not find much value in the prelisting inspection market. They are far and few between, if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted By: kbliss This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just this morning my wife and I were discussing this same topic, actually she brought it up, and I was a little negative about it thinking the same way as you. Im usually pretty positive about marketing ideas but I dont see this one as a big getter.
Originally Posted By: jhorton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Good points and appreciate the input. Having thought on this I tend to agree. But there is a side to this that no has mentioned and that I just thought about. It gets your name in front of sellers who are going to be buyers. So it might not be a total waste?
Still mulling this one over.
-- Jeff <*\\><
The man who tells the truth doesn't have to remember what he said.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don't take me wrong, all marketing is good but I was simply pointing out that if you are looking to get inspections from this type of marketing you will be disappointed.
Don't underestimate the value of this type of marketing because keeping your name in front of people is good, just not immediately rewarded with inspections.
I believe Kurt wanted to get some inspections from his marketing dollars which this type of marketing will not do. If you want to spend marketing dollars to get inspections it would be better spent sending directly to your market, the realtors!
Originally Posted By: jhorton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joseph Myers wrote:
Don't take me wrong, all marketing is good....
If you want to spend marketing dollars to get inspections it would be better spent sending directly to your market, the realtors!
Joe Myers
First no offense taken, I moderate the Marketing forum on the Appraiser Forum so marketing it a favorite topic of mine. I am sure no expert but I enjoy the subject. I like the postcards because they are cheap and as you said get my name and logo in front of them.
Now you comment about the Realtors brings up a question. I have always tried to keep some distance from Realtors so that I don't look like I am Mrs. Big Time realtors 'pet inspector' if you know what I mean. Always tried to remain independent but I am starting to see the advantage of marketing to them harder than I have.
Now, how do you do that and still maintain the distance? I know some, maybe all of our Realtors just have a list of people that they will give the client be it Appraiser, Inspector, plumber or what ever. The smart ones don't want to look like I am their pet Inspector (or Appraiser) either.
I am currently writing a quarterly newsletter with market statistics that goes to all the Real Estate Offices. In it I try to do a small self promotion. Made sure to mention I was a NACHI member this month and how we have to pass a test. I will do the mouse pads and the NACHI newsletter. Those seems safe. Other ideas?
-- Jeff <*\\><
The man who tells the truth doesn't have to remember what he said.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don't want to get into the whole REALTOR thing but just a point on marketing.
You don't have to worry about "looking like a pet inspector" by doing too much marketing to REALTORs.
1. No one knows how much marketing you do except you. Each person you market to doesn't know (or is even conscious of) all the other people you marketed to. Don't let what you know hinder you. In all marketing try to put yourself in the recipient's or as I say "target's" shoes. REALTORs (even in the same office) don't share a common consciousness or ego (group mentality).
2. I have been a REALTOR for 13 years with Coldwell Banker and RE/MAX. I promise you... you cannot offend REALTORs by marketing to them too heavily. We REALTORs are in the marketing business!!! The more creative and heavy your marketing... the more respect we have for you. We typically can't tell one inspector from the next...we don't know what a joist is...but we damn sure perk up when we see sharp marketing.
My above comments assume that when you said "look like" you meant look like to the people you are marketing to: REALTORs.
Hope this helps. I probably sound nuts and might actually be.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Like it or not, you are bound to come in contact with realtors, that does not make you the realtors pet! It is important to remember, as with any business, to maintain a professional relationship with those that you need to work with, the realtors.
I have been performing inspections with them for years and not one has ever asked me to overlook a problem, or to downplay the significance of anything that I have found. NOT ONE!!
I hold a professional relationship with many and just acquaintances with the rest that I know. I respect their decision to use my service, just as I respect the decision of those that do not use my service for what ever reason that may be.
I really don't know why inspectors think that all realtors should like them or use their service. Just as it is with any business some will like you others will not. Take care of the ones that like you and the rest will take care of itself.
You want some ideas but I have a hard enough time doing my own. It may help you to know that you want the newsletter to be about them, not about you. Just make sure you put your name on it so they know where it came from!
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Joe has an great marketing trick to land that Big REALTOR. He moves in with her.
As for my aforementioned comments about REALTORs in the same office not having a group mentality (as some inspectors believe)... Joe's gal is in my office and we've never met in my office. We probably will never meet in the same office. And we sure won't compare notes about inspectors if we ever do. REALTORs enjoy far less comradery than inspectors.
Originally Posted By: jhorton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
is so true. It is one of those things I wonder why I didn’t think of? It makes so much sense.
As an inspector I have kept my distance from the Realtors and tried to market to the public to avoid looking like I was working for the Realtor. What you said just never occurred to me and makes total sense! Will have to change that!
BTW if anyone wants to take a peek at my Newsletter it is on my web site. http://www.hortonappraisal.com/pdf/bottomline.pdf Its in PDF format. I make a mention that I am not a member of NACHI in there this quarter too. This is just the second Issue and someone point out another of those "why didn't I see that" things. I left off my phone number!! I have not printed these yet and will change it before it goes out.
PS I moved the newletter and changed the URL if anyone wants to take a peek.
-- Jeff <*\\><
The man who tells the truth doesn't have to remember what he said.