Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
For those “old guys”, also known as experience. What is the best way to overcome the "We don’t seem to have very many people want to use home inspections. I have talked to the brokers & agents at a couple of agencies and they just don’t seem to be interested in them. I know that one of them presents it such as “You are allowed to have a third party review your home, such as a professional home inspector, but this review would be at YOUR expense”. I have one town in my area that I have run into this at about 3 offices. Any ideas.
Originally Posted By: adufresne This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Dave, Hang in there buddy. We can not see what the Agents are telling their clients. We know they don’t like us because we may kill there deal. I have sent flyers and cards. Now I am trying pads. Just sent e-mails to them and what do you know! I started getting calls. We need to educate the public any way we can about what we do. Kinda like head them off before the pass before they meet the realestate agents. I have talked to a few people who wished they had knowen they had a choice about home inspectors. If the clients don’t know about us, they beleive what their agents tell them. All good things will come in time. Hope this helps you alittle.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You should tell them that sooner or later they are going to have to get in the groove of things. Would they rather have a good inspector (you) or an inspector that does not know what he is doing!
Be patient Dave, the Jurassic era will be over soon enough for them!