Is it ok to classify a half-gable roof shape as hip, or not? any feedback would be appreciated
Got a pic? When I think of one side of a gable, I’m thinking of a shed roof.
it is a shed roof… my question is to whether i can classify it as a hip on the mitigation form? this is a florida wind mitigation inspection specific question
Hi Dennis
Are you a contractor?
If you have one gable the house is rated as a gable. As the others have said “Do you have a pic”? are you MSFH trained?
Just to clarify:
If the gable width is more than 50% of the elevation width then it is classified as a gable. If it is less than 50% then it is classified as a hip. There used to be a training manual and updates to changes on the MSFH website, it appears that they are not there anymore. The list of approved inspectors is also gone.
I think he may be referring to what has been called a clipped gable, Where they clip the ridge to form a small hip, which is classified as a gable
Isn’t that a combination gambrel/shed?
Here is clipped gable:?
During my framing days that was referred to as a dutch hip. I agree that it would be classified as a gable.
no, i was referring to a shed, or half gable. iv concluded it would be classified as other. thanks for the feedback, and yes i am a contractor and am msfh trained, i was just questioning my own judgement briefly, thanks!
We referred to it as a spanked gable.