Originally Posted By: osmith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello all,
I need some good advice.I want to get certified to do mold and Radon inspections. Does anyone have any good classroom resource training companies. I live in the Chicago area.
Originally Posted By: Mike Buettner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’d be careful with any certification that comes from a lab. While the lab may indeed be the approved trainer, most certifications come from a non-profit entity.
Originally Posted By: rzimmerman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mike Buettner wrote:
 I'd be careful with any certification that comes from a lab. While the lab may indeed be the approved trainer, most certifications come from a non-profit entity.
  This is new to me.
Anyone can certify anyone. Granted there are some certifications worth having and some are not. Some carry more weight than others.
To be certified is simply saying you followed, completed, passed a set of guidelines and the certifier is confirming you did.
Mike, If you complete the Radalink course, Take and pass their test, provide me a confirmation letter of passing, Meet and fulfill all your state requirements, provide me proof of adhering to those requirements - I will provide you a Certificate of completion and Certify you have meet the minimum standards for Rob Z's World Radon Certification
Originally Posted By: Mike Buettner This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don’t forget the fee… excellent point. You are very correct, anyone can certify anyone for just about anything… usually with a fee attached. Since Oscar is new to the IAQ field I personally thought it best to direct him to reputable non-profits that can steer him clear of the “puppy mills”.
Originally Posted By: rzimmerman This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Mike Buettner wrote:
 I personally thought it best to direct him to reputable non-profits that can steer him clear of the "puppy mills".
Very good point. It is so hard to filter through some of the hype.