Gotcha! Thanks Nick

thanks Nick.

I have a meeting tomorrow with Kinkos national to see if we can arrange to have them store a high-res zip of the sign on file so that members can make their own:

Remember, each potential buyer is a potential NACHI member client!!!

  1. Potential client sees Move In Certified sign.
  2. Potential client goes to
  3. Potential client downloads inspection report with NACHI member’s contact information on it.
  4. Potential client finds a home he/she needs to have inspected…

Nice, huh? I’m particularly proud of this one.


Another attaboy!

At the site under the seller section, it reads…

“The seller can choose a certified NACHI inspector rather than be at the mercy
of the buyer’s choice of inspector.”

Perhaps that could read “rather than being unprepared at the time the buyer
brings in their choice of inspector”.

It sounds like the “buyers choice of inspector” may cause a very hard
inspection to take place, but the NACHI inspector would provide a
softer inspection. This would be the wrong reason to hire a NACHI

I have had others make this same comment and it is a mis-understanding,
but I think it might help to make it more clear… IMHO.

Erol, John… agreed.

It now reads: The seller can choose a certified NACHI inspector to inspect the home properly before the buyer’s inspector arrives.

I like the new wording now… sounds really good.

“The seller can choose a certified NACHI inspector to inspect the home properly before the buyer’s inspector arrives.”

Much better. :wink:

Thanks for the help guys.

I,m ready to move on this Nick but how do we set up the report on FetchReport so other people have access to it?

I am having trouble pulling myself up by zip code in my service area. Is there any way we can increase the number of zip codes we list?

It shows that I am 52 miles from my main service area because of postal codes and the Cumberland River.
A client has to extend their search to 100 miles and wade through a lot of inspectors to contact me.

It is my understanding that each zip code you enter gives you a 20 mile radius so if you can choose zip codes that are more spread out to increase the area of your search results. Post this as a new topic and you’ll porbably get a full expanation from Chris Morrell or check out:

Thanks David,
I guess you saw my post before I removed it.
The problem was that my home zip was in the principal place of business slot!
You show up in the secondary search list if it is not your primary zip.
If it’s 51 miles away, the client has to search 100 miles of HI’s to find your info!

Anyway, I’m fixed.


Affordable signs, for MIC or anything else.
See his email below, and prices on site:

We would be happy to offer your group 10% off their orders with us. We also do screen printed coroplast signs, ncr forms, vehicle magnetics, and can do almost
any other printed need a customer might have. Feel free to contact me regarding your program or any needs you may have.

Roger Busby
Dittos Inc.
Graphics Mart LLC

cdaInspector Russell <> wrote:
Dittos Graphics

1710 N. Shelby Dr. # 20
Memphis, Tn

Ok, What do I need to do to be able to log into the move in site? I do not see any where I can create a log in account, and my nachi log in will not work. I have a FetchReport log in and that will not work. Any help will be appreciated with this.

Im having the same trouble as Mark. I cannot find any place to log into the Move in Certified site.

A few days ago, Nick said that the site is not fully completed, including login.
Not sure if it was this thread or another, guys!

Thanks Russ, This looks like it might be a good deal. Russ, Give me a call and I will call you right back. I have a idea I want to run by you.

As you know I’m conducting a class on Sellers Inspections at the SE Home Inspectors Conference on 9/16/07. Can I get a MoveInCertified sign for the class?