This thread dedicated to discussions regarding
Site coming along:
First batch of yard-signs will be done today.
IMO I don’t like the “Certified” part of this. Maybe giving consumers a false sense that we “warranty” the home. Does this conflict with the SOP & COE? The “Move in Ready” is also misleading,… Are you proposing that we get all the repairs completed on issues we find?
Read HOME page of for a definition of Move In Certified.
Thats my point Nick, Sally Home Buyer that see’s a yard sign that reads “Certified”, “Move in Ready” is going to, possibly assume a warranty, unless all the small, fine print, disclaimers are readily available, i.e. on the sign etc. or prior to them receiving the report, I’m not fighting the idea, just playing devils advocate.
How much more so than a website that refers to a “certified master inspector” or member of an association of “certified” home inspectors?
No more. Besides, in the case of Move In Certified… the seller is doing the certifying, the NACHI member is merely doing his regular inspection that he does on every home:
“MoveInCertified homes have been pre-inspected by NACHI certified inspectors and the sellers confirm that there are no major systems in need of immediate repair or replacement and no known safety hazards.”
I think this is a great idea and a good selling point for the seller and a good marketing tool for us, my question is how much are the signs going to cost us?
Pet, we have gobs of car dealers out here that advertise “Certified Pre-Owned”.
I’m sure they mean more than the fact they are pre-owned, but still, it appears to instill confidence in the public.
I’m looking forward to marketing this, Nick!
Nice, simple and to the point.
What is the next move?
It would seem that you need to create a link on each page
to “Find a NACHI Certified Inspector”… so they can
get the home “Move-In-Certified”,
This sounds great! What is the next step? How do we get an ID and password?
John, check out the site now… good catch.
InspectorNOW causes our computer systems to track you down and call you by phone when a consumer needs you.
Ok, sorry,… I thought your first post said this tread was open for discussion. Like I said, was only playing devils advocate.
Looking good.
Peter, my “no more” comment was in reference to Jim’s question “How much more so…”
Everyone should test the “Have This Inspector Call Me” function in to make sure their phone rings.
Phone works great. Can’t wait to start marketing this.
I have two agents who have seen this and want to start working this marketing idea.
Another great marketing tool Nick!
Need some signs, when, where and how is the next question.
Is this ready to go. Or is it still beta?