Multiple "main" disconnects in electrical panel box

Have never seen this setup before. Service entrance wire from meter enters the panel box and there appears to be several breakers labeled as “Main Disconnects.” A 50 Amp Double Breaker appears to service the lower bank of breakers. Any thoughts? I’m going to note that the main electrical panel box appears to have “unconventional” main disconnect. I’m going to “Recommend a licensed electrician evaluate further and make necessary repairs.”.

It sounds like you are looking at a split buss panel. Post photo(s) so we can see as well.


Until you post a pic, we may not have either! :wink:


Are you prepared to pay his fee if you are wrong?

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Do you not know the “6-throw” Rule?


“unconventional main disconnect” is not what I would be calling out. But there are several other issues you should be.
That is called a split bus panel


That’s for sure, Daniel… :flushed:

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CH-Cutler Hammer Split Bus panel. Old. Vintage Obsolete.
Home inspectors finding a split bus panel will often report the panel as “considered obsolete” and meriting replacement even if there is no visible damage; note that given their age and design it’s also likley that these panels are overcrowded - a hazard we cite below on this page.

Thanks for the info. I never heard of the split bus panel before. As I understand, you must be able to turn off all the powers with 6 or less “throws”. I assume a “throw” refers to a breaker. This panel would require 8 “throws” to shut off all power correct? Or is it considered a “throw” if you can hit two single breakers at the same time with your hand?

That’s how I’m seeing it.

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Not sure if you mentioned it, but that looks like cloth wrapped insulation on one or two circuits, and looks like it might be missing the bonding screw. Not to mention uninsulated neutral, old panel, etc…

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I always understood that a “throw” was an individual OR a set of breakers with a proper TIE.


Add 2 handle ties and the the 6 throw rule is good…



I agree with Ryan on adding two handle ties, then the 6 throw rule would be complied with.


On the old split panels we do recommend that they be upgraded to more modern single throw without the necessity to have to consider the sixth throw program and generally it is well accepted by the Realtors and the clients to update to a modern panel it takes care of everything in one fail swoop.

Great Video Kevin, thanks for sharing.

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