I am sad to report that fellow NACHI Canadian Member Stephen SHUTE from Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada has been in a comatose state for the last seven days since a fall while performing a home inspection. Stephen’s son Shamess called with the sad news.
For those who would like to assist please contact Mr. Roy Cooke.
I talked to his son last week and had email from him today Dad is not comming out of his Coma yet .
He is in a great hospital in Victoria .
They had to air ambulance about 500 miles . .
Thanks for all your thoughts and will keep all posted on what info I get .
So good of you Greg to be concerned with what you are going through.
Hope you too can get mobile soon.
Your Eastern Buddies Char and Roy Cooke
Received email this morning and there is No change. Will keep all posted if I get any Information . (" still waiting roy…thanks for your thoughts… ")
Thanks to all for their concerns . Roy Cooke
Roy it is really great of you to keep us all up to date with Stephen’s condition although, we would have rather had better news about his condition at least it is not getting worse! We have spread the word in our entire area and we will continue to keep him & his family in our thoughts & prayers as each day passes!
We are hopeful that he will make a full recovery and be back to inspecting soon!
Roy, Please keep the post updated on Stephen or give us a call! Wish you & your visitors well!
Thanks Greg Glad to see you are on the BB .
Can you give us a first hand upgrade on how you are doing and what the future might hold .
It Might be a good idea to give us how expensive things can be and how important it is to have Insurance by a self employed Home Inspector.
Sure Roy,
I am recovering with alot of therapy and help from alot of people. I passed my driving evaluation and can now start to drive again. I am still on 13 meds (Aprox.$1025.00/month) for now, I hope they will be starting next month to cut back on the 2 alzhiemers medications( which are quite expensive) and have me off of those 2 by October.
I am also still waiting on the heart catherization (which they can not do for 2 months following a stroke or major trauma) the Heart surgeon will be doing in Sept. , also hopefully what ever they have to do to my heart at that time they will also be able to take me off the extended release nitroglycerine I am currently taking (it is also quite expensive).
So for now we are taking it 1 day at a time and hoping all will work out in the end to a full recovery!
Also we do have some insurance but we have no income at this time and the insurance has not come close to touching the mounding bills which are expected to rise over $35,000.00 over the next few months which is enough to give anybody a heart attack! :shock:
Although we continue to struggle, I can say that it has softened the blow when we have friends like you Roy and all the Nachi family that has helped us out. At least this way we have been able to put a little food on the table for us and our 2 children!
AND remember to always have a yearly health checkup and go to the doctor as soon as you feel somthing is wrong, it does not matter how old you are as, I am only 43 and thought I was to young for a stroke but it can happen to anyone!