Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am considering starting a local NACHI Chapter, for Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana area. My initial thought is to have the meetings in Northern KY making it a convenient drive from Dayton OH, Lexington KY & Louisville KY, it may be a bit more of a stretch but Columbus OH and Indianapolis are within 2 hours.
I don?t mind working alone but before plunging straight in, I like testing the water. How many of you would be interested in a chapter in this area? Of those interested how many others that you have association with would be interested?
I have mentioned this to Nick and can you imagine his response being anything but positive?
Knowing that this will have a positive response what suggestions do you have for a Chapter name? 
Thanks in advance,
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks for the input, I guess my first post was a bit on the timid side.
With encouragement of "build it they will come" I will start pursuing a meeting site and date. I would like to think I can pull this together by the end of the month or first of next at the latest.
I will get with Nick as soon as I have some preliminary data and see when he is ready to come to the Bluegrass State. Nick how does your calendar look?
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Igor, who helped start our first Chapter, was very instrumental in forming NACHI’s philosophy of ALL-WELCOME chapter meetings. At first I bit my tongue. Boy was I wrong. An all-welcome chapter is so much better, and so much more in line with who we are here at NACHI.
Our first few NYNACHI Chapter meetings were 90% Italian ASHI guys. But I got over it and love them all now. 
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Have you the ability to work your magic and come up with a list of inspectors for this region? I am starting but I realized you may have a much easier solution than my searches. And to Erby's point if we can get these in a spread sheet than can be manipulated then that much better.
Thanks in advance.
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This is done by Lia Babitch (NACHI staff). She just goes on the internet and emails the announcement to ALL inspectors within 100 miles.
You spend your energy making a flyer announcing the meeting and give it to all the local REALTORs (local to you). Make sure your own home inspection contact information is also within the announcement because it is good for your business.
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
We have a tentative date of Friday November 7 for our first chapter meeting, I am working to firm this up with the the Drawbridge Inn Ft. Mitchell KY. [/url]http://www.drawbridgeinn.com[url]
When I have the written information in hand I will forward the details and we will start publishing the data and moving forward.
Any creative suggestions for naming this chapter? KY/OH/IN Chapter 
Can Lia provide a copy of the list that she is able to create identifying local Inspectors?
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Lia goes to the online phone books and calls local inspectors a week before meetings asking them to come. If you have a list of inspectors to call, email it to her at lia.babitch@nachi.org
KY inspectors have telephones don't they? 
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
There is already an Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Regional Board. If you type those 3 names on a search engine, you'll see what I mean.
Why re-invent the wheel? OKI is already a recognized regional business identity. Adopt it to the NACHI chapter and there is some instant recognition and legitimacy.
Tri-State is also goof, but I suspect it could have also applied to NY NACHI, as ve attract inspectors from at least the Tri-State area, plus Pennsylvania (for now).
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Guys
how about the "HooBlueEye" chapter    
Originally Posted By: mpatton This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I will be posting more information on the first meeting of what I presume will be the OKI Chapter. I Have confirmation for the Drawbridge Inn Ft. Mitchell KY on Friday November 7.
I will post some of the highlights this weekend, this post is to get the ball rolling and identify the date.
Nick hopefully this is still a good date for you and you can schedule to attend.
Thanks for the responses that I have received from members in the area.
-- Michael Patton
AA Home Inspection
Serving Northern KY & Greater Cincinnati OH