This new Education Committee was formed Dec, 18, 2005. The Membership of the new Committee was then selected from those few who volunteered for the positions.
As Mr. John Bowman, Executive Director of NACHI, has already spelled out, and posted the duties of this office , we shall not repeat them again, suffice it to say, communication, communication, and communication will be a major part of this Committee.
The Education Committee will have it’s own web page for posting important topics.
The Education Committee currently consist of 20 NACHI Members; Educators, Engineers, NACHI Executive Staff, and Home Inspectors. Members from Northern Canada to Southern Florida.
The Committee to date;
I. Is working with the NACHI Legal Dept. to offer, Vendor
Educational courses and materials to NACHI for individual
State CEU’s.
II. Is in the process of determining the requirements of individual States,
pertaining to State Continuing Educational Credits.
III. Is in the process of establishing a network of NACHI State
Representatives, or Administrators, whose function will be to
act for NACHI in accordance with that State’s Continuing
Educational Policies, Rules and Regulations.
IV. Completing several Educational Links for on line Educational
V. Is in the process of getting NACHI recognized with various
Training Institutions or Organizations.
VI. Is working with the NACHI Traveling Educational Unit, to provide these
courses for State CEU’s
VII. Is working with the NACHI Executive Staff to offer incentive
programs wherein NACHI Members may present Advanced
Educational Programs or Courses to this Committee for review
and possible acceptance for Educational Credits for the
VIII. Collating already approved NACHI Educational materials and courses
in order to provide them to all the local NACHI Chapters.
IX. The Canadian Members of this Committee are also preparing recommendations to make the NACHI Exams more Canadian friendly.
As we all know, education begins at home. All this, and more, will be
distributed to the local NACHI Chapters for presentation.
The NACHI Members who have graciously volunteered for the
completion of these task are hard at work to provide the best Advanced
Educational opportunities available.
Needless to say, this is a major undertaking by NACHI. It will not all happen overnight, but it’s happening.
If these endeavors are to succeed, it will take the efforts of all NACHI
Members. Attend local Chapter Meetings. Become active in your local Chapter. Be constructive, not destructive.
Anyone, and everyone, is invited to contact this office for more information, or volunteer to help.
As they say, “the buck stops here”.