For the record…this post was determined by moderators as worthy to be published. A post that was critical of John McKenna’s course was not.
Now…back to the moderated message board.:D:D:D
For the record…this post was determined by moderators as worthy to be published. A post that was critical of John McKenna’s course was not.
Now…back to the moderated message board.:D:D:D
Jim, you have the facts wrong.
The post critical of John’s course was on the board and subsequently reported by a member.
The post was alegedly by a person banned from the MB.
The post was made before Nick implimented the new system. It was reported after Nick’s program was in place. Any member can report any post they feel violates the forum rules or COE. Same as always.
Only difference is now it is posted for all members to see. You, not too long ago, argued for transparency in NACHI operations. Now you have it.
Interesting that you, at first, said that all of his (banned members) post should be deleted, period. Once you realized it was critical of someone you have an issue with, you reversed course and thought it would be good for the post to stand.
See post 9 then post 12
I saw no proof that it came from a banned member. In the absence of such proof, the post should stand.
You’re definitely a troll, as I suspected. But you certainly aren’t ICC certified…at least not according to their website.
[quote=“rstufflebeem, post:125, topic:36313”]
Here we are with a moderated board…specifically designed so that non-members with fake identities cannot post messages that attack members or disparage the association.
This alias comes on board and refers to home inspectors with a word that has to be filtered, and says that all of us have the same IQ as Frank Magdafrau.
How did this get passed 15 moderators who have just spent the last week justifying why they were needed for instances such as these?](“”)
So here comes the accountability call. Who clicked approve on this post?
It didn’t get past 15 moderators(or whatever the current count is).
All 15 would have to pass it by before the system automatically deletes the post according to what Chris M. stated earlier.
The system is stupid and nearly useless.
Dump it.
This MB is quickly becoming a ghost town.
Let freedom ring out once again before it’s too late.
Ian? You have some splanin’ to do.
And so it begins.
Note to Chris Morell,
Please remove my name from the moderators list. It is a joke and I want no part of it.
Michael Larson
Amazing. What a mess. No wonder it’s a ghost town.
Looks like another impostor slipped through. :shock:
Did that post violate MB rules?
So, you would have prefered that post be censored?:shock:
You tell me.
Is it:
…abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated…
I’d call it abusive and hateful. But I’m not a moderator.
You can report it via the triangle in the upper right corner if you’d like. All members can do this for any post - member and non-member alike (as always).
I understand that and I’m not interested reporting any posts. My question is what’s the point of the moderators if they are approving non-member posts that violate our forum rules?
Since not one of our 8,000+ members decided to report it, I guess everyone is fine with it.
That doesn’t mean it didn’t violate our rules. Again, if we’re all fine with it and the moderators aren’t going to do their job, why have moderators?
That is the $289 question.