NACHI member Roy Cooke does radio show again.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Besides, NACHI isn’t the largest based on the fact that it has the most members (which it does). Any association can get a lot of members by simply counting Candidacy status (where someone joins by merely sending in cash). NACHI would never use that kind of ashimath and then go on other boards bragging about how they almost have as many members as NACHI if you count people who merely sent in cash. We don’t have any Scott Pattersons here.

Being the largest, IMHO, means being the largest in 100 or more quantifiable and measurable categories... including shear number of members.

Nick Gromicko

I much prefer email to private messages.

Originally Posted By: rwand
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hi Roy

Firstly congratulations on your radio show. Thats terrific!

Secondly, there are problems with the numbers in Oahi-CAHPI, as we all know they put over 200 plus students as members. The numbers need to be audited as does Oahi-CAHPI.

As for Mr. Mullens let me just say he has trouble telling the truth and always has.

According to Mr. Mullens and his chief consort, I am the person to speak to if you need to know anything about RHI according to their recent exchanges on the Canuck list.

As to the Trashcan, he is jealous of Mr. Cooke that is readily apparent. Actually he seems jealous of most everything.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Originally Posted By: rcooke
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

rwand wrote:
Hi Roy

Firstly congratulations on your radio show. Thats terrific!

Secondly, there are problems with the numbers in Oahi-CAHPI, as we all know they put over 200 plus students as members. The numbers need to be audited as does Oahi-CAHPI.

As for Mr. Mullens let me just say he has trouble telling the truth and always has.

According to Mr. Mullens and his chief consort, I am the person to speak to if you need to know anything about RHI according to their recent exchanges on the Canuck list.

As to the Trashcan, he is jealous of Mr. Cooke that is readily apparent. Actually he seems jealous of most everything.

Raymond Wand
Alton, ON

Thanks Raymond .
I would also like to thank the Inspector who gave my Name to the lady who called him on SUNDAY.
She wanted an inspection by the Guy that was on the Radio .
He said I do inspections where you live and she said Thanks but I want the guy called Roy.
He did not have my phone number but he gave her the name of the town I live in and she got me .
I am so glad that there are great people like this out there in my area .
It makes me feel glad to see how we can help one another.
She had to have the inspection soon as there was another offer coming on the property .
Went well and she is buying the home .

Be HAPPY Join NACHI not a secret society, Open to all.

Roy Cooke Sr.