Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I’d love to say I did all this work, but I didn’t. Earl Beahm put this altogether with all the members of NACHI Atlanta. It took a bit of work to get it together as the BellSouth deal was a big one. Nice job Earl!
Originally Posted By: hgordon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Greg, I don’t see how? Each Chapter is doing its part to support the members in its area.
Take Florida for example...I have been working on a Statewide Plan multi facetted marketing blitz...you are going to get most of that news at our Florida Chapter Presidents Meeting.
As far as the rest of the states...I believe that once they organize, Regionally, they too will have the benefit of LOCAL marketing and support from the National level but generated and created by the Local/Regional level to be further targeted to the individual State/Municipality.
Originally Posted By: gbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Are you that naive? How can this promotion not make some of us feel like second class members?
You stated that you have an idea about tri–county advertising. How is that statewide?
You called me about six months ago with some idea about starting a state organization. You wanted to know if I would serve on the board. That all of the members of NACHI would become members of your new state org. That Nick was going to give all membership fees collected in Florida to your new org. That is all I know about your new org. I am sorry to say that I lost all respect for anything you do with NACHI after reading your offer to provide web sites for chapters. Don’t worry about the cost Nick will pay for it.
I feel the same way about anyone that uses their position within to line their own pockets. It seems that many people have joined us to make a living off of us, instead of a way to become a better inspector. I guess as long as one person controls the money this is the way it will be.
I know that most of my posts lately have been negative. I just don't agree with what is going on.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Greg B wrote:
If the CMI isn't a way to split the ranks, this sure is.
Agreed, there is no way that NACHI could do this on a national level, as the cost would exceed NACHI's gross turnover, therefore IMHO this should not be done in one or two areas. Plus who the hell uses yellow pages these days, I used to advertise my business in this medium but the results were terrible, and the ROI non existent.
Originally Posted By: gbell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Gerry,
I agree this has been done with no consideration for other members. It will only help a small percentage of our members. This program should have been structured so that all chapters would have the opportunity to use it. Something like the mouse pads. Where the cost is divided between NACHI and the member that benefits from them.