Originally Posted By: Peter K. Lloyd
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Nick:
I just recently joined NACHI and am overwhelmed by the information available to me. This is a great organization. I believe I can get something written up in the St. Petersburg Times or Tampa Tribune. There have been several horror stories, including one in yesterday's paper, about a buyer being taken and the seller was arrested for committing fraud.
I would like to suggest an addition to the Agreement between Inspector and Client. I have seen other Agreements and they had a clause limiting liability on the part of the inspector to either the amount of the inspection or 1 1/2 times the amount of the inspection.
Is this plausible?
I look forward to a long and profitable relationship with NACHI.
Peter Lloyd
Angels Certified Home Inspection Service
1778 Briland Street
Tarpon Springs, Fl. 34689-1963