Nathan Thornberry giving all of his products and services to CMIs for free.

I strongly agree Jim. By “partnering” with the little gimmick prince it equates the CMI designation with the phony three letter designation/logo Nathan offers, which Anyone can get for free. All it does it degrade CMI to a much lower standard.

I Absolutely agree !!!, I don’t care whatsoever is anyone wants to use any vendors services, products etc… But I do not appreciate having any of my designations I have earned being associated with some 2 useless products that have nothing to do with me, my profession or any of my earned designations.

All this does is lower the standards of CMI and makes it look like a club of inspectors promoting some vendors stuff.


So all of a sudden the CMI Certification Board exists again? Or is this the same bean counters that just approve the check and paperwork? Nope. Just Nick lowering the CMI designation by affiliating with the banned member’s product group. The more things change, the more they stay the same. :roll:

So all of a sudden the CMI Certification Board exists again? Or is this the same bean counters that just approve the check and paperwork? Nope. Just Nick lowering the CMI designation by forced affiliation with the banned member’s product group. The more things change, the more they stay the same. :roll:

Handwriting on the wall as taught by Gromicko—> The EXPERT thing-a-ma-bob designation will be touted by NT as the Premier Designation that CMI’s clamour to for excellence.

I guess Nick doesn’t get it… or he’s in on it.

But non-CMI’s aren’t affected so we needn’t concern ourselves.

Good luck to you guys. Glad I’m not you!

Nope, nothing “forced.” I don’t tell CMIs what they can or can’t do. CMIs are not my employees. Were you not aware of that?

The vendor has made an offer that I’m alerting you to. You are free to investigate it further (some already have). You are free to reject it (some already have). You are free to accept it (some already have).

So let’s put this to a more extreme and unrelated example and maybe you will understand.

Say the Certified Master Inspection Board decided to partner with NAMBLA and puts out a press release to that affect. Being a CMI that is now, by no choice of his / her own, “partnered” with NAMBLA can affect his business in a negative way. It is something that he / she has no control over since the perception of a “partnership” was forced on him by the Board.

Now consider the CMI’s that do not in any way wish to be “partnered” with the company offering these services. I am not saying that the individual CMI shouldn’t take advantage of this offer, but the “partnership” is distasteful to many. If this firm wants to make the offer, fine. Let the individual make that determination for their own business. But the CMI Board should not be attaching themselves to any other company or wares. It should be a stand-alone designation with no other affiliation.

MY issue is false advertising.
Since we all know the widgets are for marketing the offer would be useless as a six month trial does not make free. His products are based on forcing Inspectors to use widgets mentioned forever because once dependant on them for sales and boasting of them to Agents you are locked forever and at someone’s mercy.

So, does anyone have an update on the lawsuit against Dingleberry and his mold lab hooker?

Some clients would tell me “Inspector A offers this widget, that widget, do you offer these widgets too?”

My reply was “No, I am a Certified Master Inspector. We are the highest quality, thoroughly trained inspectors in the world. We don’t need these gimmicks or widgets to offer great inspections”.

Now I have to change my entire sales pitch when asked that question.

I think it’s great that NT is offering this, and I think it’s despicable that the CMI designation is now associated with it. :twisted:


Nick announcing the offer is fine, but partnering the CMI designation as a whole is quite different. This is damaging and harms all CMI/s and most definitely lowers the perceived standards , quality and excellence that is a big part of the CMI designation.

Gnat is a genius. I’ve lost my aspirations for CMI however.

Now as far as marketing there is no difference between these two logos, except one cost $2,500 and one is FREE.

I was told this concerning the “Expert” designation,
Per the USPTO it’s the highest certification in home inspection. The requirements are listed there, but suffice it to say if you’re not willing to guarantee the condition of the home and back it with a warranty and a money back guarantee while exceeding the minimal standards in a meaningful way, you might not be interested in the mark.

Sorry, stupid phone. Nate, not Gnat.

Nick needs to man up, admit he screwed up, end this partnership nonsense and allow the CMI designation to remain an Hon or as the Top dog in the inspection biz and not destroy what was a good thing.


Funny how folks get to thinking that NACH I and CMI are associations being run by the membership. There is a benevolent dictator who can and will do as he pleases. Keep that in mind as you root for the demise of all other HI associations…

Running an organization is a difficult task. I know because I had time and money invested into forming a non profit for remodeling contractors most of whom bragged about how much money they were making but recoiled in horror at paying $100 a year to help promote and organize to their benefit.

Also, when you have more than 5 members in any group it becomes almost impossible to improve a group. I don’t know how many we have here but its more than 5.

As far as Nick being a dictator? All it would take to partner with Nick on decisions would be a clear and compelling reason delivered by a spokesman.

If we want representation against established entities we already have that. If we want representation with Nick all we have to do is elect a small group of us to represent the whole.

MAN UP and hold yer ground!

Nick has always stated that one of the benefits to Members of this MB is the ability to vet vendors and their products. Nick/InterNACHI/CMI is such a vendor with such a product. The course of this thread is appropriate towards this goal.