Originally Posted By: Jay Moge This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
is it posible that there was maybe a ceiling fan or chandeleir below that. may be just as you suspect, support. or maybe the ridge beem is more than one piece and that is a type of splice with a vertical leg support over a wall???
Originally Posted By: ckratzer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Those supports are used to hold the ridge in place while attaching the rafters.I use this technique all the time.The ridge board is slid between those vertical boards effectively sandwiching the ridge.This allows the ridge to float so you have some upward height adjustment when you attach the rafters.I almost always leave them in place simply because there’s rarely a reason to take them out.And in cases where I’ve had to splice the ridge I place this type of support directly under the splice and on a bearing wall below and never take it out.