New builds...Pex Plumbing

I’m a bit confused…if Citizens Insurance is not accepting Polybutylene Pex Plumbing…why are contractors still using it.

and Pex
are not the same.

As Larry said, Polybutylene is the one that they are not writing policies for. I have heard the PEX may be joining that list, but as of now, it is not confirmed.
I can’t possibly see how Citizens could get away with it, but then again…

don’t know why i said Polybutylene…Just an automatic association. Long day.

I see PEX being installed here in south county too.

Everything you need to know about plumbing with PEX

I can’t see why PEX would ever be an issue. It’s a proven system and now been around long enough to be considered a proven system. I remember the main manifolds looked bizarre when they first came out but then I started using it and I think it’s a great product.

I’ve inspected many homes with PEX, only one was employing a manifold, almost all of the systems here in south Hillsborough County are using point to point direct burial under the slab. Blue & Red PEX.

Hey Joe: other than maybe a loose connection that needed a little extra crimp, have you ever seen any problems in the field with it ??

No none, but I think it’s the plastic connectors and not the pipe folks are concerned with, the pipe itself appears almost indestructible.


The problem is with “Zurn” fittings. I have had clients with PEX denied coverage. They just went with different insurers that weren’t concerned with it.

That is not PollyB.
I do not understand the CMU lined with PEX.
The blocks are not bonded with masonry.
Can any one please the set. New to me…

Only one class action so far.ZERN copper fittings.
PEX as with ant system, structure or component, if installed not to the manufactures or architectural and engineering design, it can and most likely will fail long before its due date.
PEX has been used in Europe for 40+ years.
Just on method of installations.
Look for high crimps. Very impotent.

It has been around for a long time. But there are still issues on PEX that insurance companies have to pay out big bucks when plumbing starts to leak.

Zurn -


Plasco Ultrapex -

Ipex/Kitec -

Wirsbo/Uponor -

Any company I miss?

It seem all your suits pertain to metal fittings.
Thanks by the way. I have been busy and not looked at PEX for awhile.
If you get some more info see if it correlated to fittings being made in China. like Zerns’s.
Thanks Clint… In the vault.:slight_smile:

I guess that it really won’t be a problem until they have to do a four point in 30 years.

That’s what I’ve surmised, as well.

Do insurance companies ever have to pay out big bucks when copper begins to leak? Is there any system that is leak proof?

Oh, I’m sure they pay out probably just as much on copper, if not more, do to the amount of homes with copper, but I haven’t seen any class action lawsuits on copper. The class actions just give the insurance companies another reason not to insure a home. Florida is a different animal. They don’t want to be in Florida anyways, so any reason they can use to turn you down, they will use it. Too old - don’t want it. Built during certain years - don’t want it (aluminum wiring, chinese drywall, etc…). FPE panel - don’t want it. Roof/HVAC/water heater to old - don’t want it. Plumbing is in it now, along with dogs, trampolines, diving boards/slides. The list is long, lol.

I can see the insurance companies take on this as well. Ok, maybe it is just the fittings, will that make it cheaper for them to repair the damages caused on failure? Homeowner says the fittings were replaced by a licensed plumber. ALL the fittings were replaced. (lol, yeah right. Even the ones that will do most damage hidden behind drywall, in the attic, behind cabinetry, etc…) If it were my money invested, I wouldn’t take the low premium, high payouts either.