Has anyone heard some bad news about PEX water supply piping?
I’ve had two insurance agents down here in Florida say that they will not insure it. Again their agents they’re not the underwriters.
I told them both are full of shit !
Am I right or am I wrong?
I’m on my phone so grammar and punctuation points don’t count. LOL
50 year track record beginning in Europe. Guaranteed for 25 years if you use a pro PEX installation method. The problem with PEX is that the connection methods vary. I’m not a big fan of the PEX metal rings.
Yes, in Florida there are a couple of carriers that won’t write PEX policies. It’s an internal underwriting thing for them, I suppose.
From my limited understanding, years ago there were crimps that failed a lot causing huge losses for the insurance companies. Instead of taking the time to learn the difference in the connections, they just denied PEX as a whole outright. I don’t have a source but I do remember reading that PEX installation after a certain year (2008 maybe?) could be insurable and pass a 4 point. I know my home owners here in Florida will not insure a house with PEX. I am on the surplus line.
Another theory, and its my own, is roof rats. They seem to be very prevalent down here and PEX is an easy chew source for them. Just a guess though.
I think its pretty crappy as PEX is awesome to use and service.
Thanks everyone.