When inspecting around pools the 2008 NEC has gotten simplified for ya so I figured I would post something on it for you to enjoy.
Many people ( includeding me ) over the years wondered about the 5’ minimum receptacle distance requirement and thought to myself…arn’t most cords 6’ in length and lord knows we don’t want to rely on the GFCI to save us since most GFCI’s are older pre 2003 UL 943 models…BUT considering you would not put an OLDER GFCI in a new construction anyway…the move to 6’ makes it safer…not fool proof mind you but technically safer because GFCI’s can fail…MOV’s do Fail…and so on.
So…in 2008 the NEC has listened and now the 5’ distance requirement on the receptacle has increased to 6’…makes sense right…
Here is the NEC verbiage ( remember this is the ROC version, it might have changed from the published version )
**680.22 Area Lighting, Receptacles, and Equipment.
** (A) Receptacles.
**(1) Circulation and Sanitation System, Location. **
that provide power for water-pump motors or for
other loads directly related to the circulation and sanitation
system shall be located at least 3.0 m (10 ft) from the inside
walls of the pool, or not less than 1.83 m (6 ft) from the
inside walls of the pool if they meet all of the following
conditions: [ROP 17-85a]
(1) Consist of single receptacles
(2) Employ a locking configuration
(3) Are of the grounding type
(4) Have GFCI protection
**(2) Other Receptacles, Location.
**Other receptacles shall
be not less than 1.83 m (6 ft) from the inside walls of a
pool. [ROP 17-85a]
**(3) Dwelling Unit(s). **Where a permanently installed pool
is installed at a dwelling unit(s), no fewer than one 125-volt 15- or 20-ampere receptacle on a general-purpose branch circuit shall be located not less than 1.83 m (6 ft) from, and not more than 6.0 m (20 ft) from, the inside wall of the
**pool. **This receptacle shall be located not more than 2.0 m
(6 ft 6 in.) above the floor, platform, or grade level serving
the pool. [ROP 17-85a]
So…the NEC is getting BETTER and BETTER…go buy one today !
Since the old rule was 10’ minimum except for the pump (with the restrictions), how is this safer? Pushing the pump receptacle out a foot will only encourage people cheating on the cord length. These are generally above ground pool pumps and people still want them next to the pool.
(5) Cord-and-Plug Connections Pool-associated motors shall be permitted to employ cord-and-plug connections. The flexible cord shall not exceed 900 mm (3 ft) in length. The flexible cord shall include an equipment grounding conductor sized in accordance with 250.122 and shall terminate in a grounding-type attachment plug.
I was more so speaking peter in regards to the reduction from 10’ to 6’ …maybe safer was the wrong term as I am not speaking of pump cords…hmmm…I see what greg is saying now…10’ is safer than 6’…but I was more so speaking of someone might not use an extention cord on a 6’ location versus a 10’ location if they wanted to get that radio closer…lol
Encouraged to use the cord that came with the radio versus putting it on an extention cord to get it closer was my methodology to the post…sorry for the confussion.
Ok…ok…I have to confess something…I posted this for a reason but i will digress…lool…the electricians who are up on the 2008 NEC know where I am going with this…I think
in the 2008 NEC printed version we have the creation of a new area…
680.22 Area lighting, receptacles, and Equipment
(E) Other Outlets. Other outlets shall be no less than 3.0m ( 10 ft) from the inside walls of the pools. Measturements shall be determined in accordance with 680.22(A)(5)
Did anyone notice this addition…
Other Receptacles are dealt with in 680.22(A)(2). Lighting outlets are dealt with in 680.22(B) and switching devices are addressed in 680.22(G)
Sorry…I was hoping HI’s would comment so I could elaborate into other areas…as part of their inspection not really an electrical safety debate…sorry
Florida is not going to adopt the 2008 according to current plans so I am not really studying it that much. I will probably get a copy from IAEI anyway if it is free.
BTW I think the original 10-‘20’ rule was made to keep consumer products out of reach of anyone in the pool but still be close enough to listen to. If your radio has a 5’ cord in a receptacle 6’ away it is a foot from the pool. You can reach it while you are in the water.
Actually Greg was a trying to lead into the question of " Other Outlets" with the opening question but I think it went array…was probably the wrong approach.
I was pleased with the addition of :
680.22 Area lighting, receptacles, and Equipment
(E) Other Outlets. Other outlets shall be no less than 3.0m ( 10 ft) from the inside walls of the pools. Measturements shall be determined in accordance with 680.22(A)(5)
Because it better deals with low voltage outlets and so on…or OTHER outlets like phone jacks and so on…hmmm…probably not a good approach on a HI board…my bad
Here was my feeling on it also Greg…and understand my brother you dont agree as I can see the point 20’ is better than 6’ in some minds…however the previous cycle said :
**[FONT=Times-Bold]size=2 Dwelling Unit(s). **Where a permanently installed pool is
installed at a dwelling unit(s), no fewer than one 125-volt 15-
or 20-ampere receptacle on a general-purpose branch circuit
shall be located not less than 3.0 m (10 ft) from, and not more
than 6.0 m (20 ft) from, the inside wall of the pool. This
receptacle shall be located not more than 2.0 m (6 ft 6 in.)
above the floor, platform, or grade level serving the pool.
Ok…now the 2008 Version
**(3) Dwelling Unit(s). **Where a permanently installed pool
is installed at a dwelling unit(s), no fewer than one 125-volt 15- or 20-ampere receptacle on a general-purpose branch circuit shall be located not less than 1.83 m (6 ft) from, and not more than 6.0 m (20 ft) from, the inside wall of the
**pool. **This receptacle shall be located not more than 2.0 m
(6 ft 6 in.) above the floor, platform, or grade level serving
the pool. [ROP 17-85a]
Now I have to be honest…this is why I said it was the ROC version because I have no idea if it made it to final print…BUT my thinking is hmmm…people want radio’s and TV’s ( in some areas ) around the pool…having to keep the plug 10’ away…and we know the nature of people…they want it closer so they go and get an extention cord…in my mind ( call me twisted, its ok because I have been called worse ) but moving it to 6’ in my mind will reduce the need for people running for the extention cord…either way they would be able to reach it because you KNOW they are going to move it closer be it 10’ or 6’…but we can only hope they use common sense…
Sorry if I said it was Safer…anything can be UNSAFE if you make it so…I just happen to like the move to 6’ rather than 5’…thats all…no biggie as I fully understand your position my friend…we can agree to disagree fella
I bet there are already proposals to move it back to 10’. If I had seen this I would have made a comment. I have the ROC, I will look and see if anyone else saw this.
wow…kick me down fella…so no one cared it was changed from 10 to 6…or no one cares either way. Someone cared as it was proposed and it was not me…lol…i jus made the comment after the change…lol