New construction pics of the week

Originally Posted By: jremas
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Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: jremas
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engineered laminate beam. Hmmmmm, what are the notching rules???



Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: kpapp
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Nice duct work icon_rolleyes.gif

Looks like someone got lazy and notched the beam instead of the concrete wall...nice insulation job though..

If you dont have time to do it right the first time, When will you have the time to go back and fix it?

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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The notching rules are as follows:

If it does not fit, notch it! ![icon_biggrin.gif](upload://iKNGSw3qcRIEmXySa8gItY6Gczg.gif)

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: dbroad
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Its just a small kink in the hose. LOL

Originally Posted By: phinsperger
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If the beam were an engineered I beam you can’t cut the flanged PERIOD. But with a glulam solid beam I would think that you could notch as shown if the beam were oversized to begin with. I don’t know what the span here was but if the builder had a larger piece from another job and the remaining depth from top of the beam to the top of the notch were at least the depth called for I think thats ok. stupid to do because of the discussions it raises but ok to do.


Paul Hinsperger
Hinsperger Inspection Services
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Originally Posted By: jremas
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Engineered laminate beams cannot be notched without a letter of approval from the engineer specific to this house. Looks like the concrete guys screwed up and the framer took the short cut.

As far as the first picture, I am suprised no one caught on... The exhaust is to be vented to the outside, preferably through the roof and the duct work should be insulated in the unconditioned attic space. Placing the end of the duct in the soffit space is unacceptable. Remember the soffit is an INLET so it all comes right back into the attic to cause moisture problems.


Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: Guest
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I agree that it’s very bad practice to vent the bath fan like that. But it’s allowed. I’m assuming that the vent goes through the soffit.

It’s in a bad spot over the window and the hose is crushed, but everything that I’ve read says it allowed to vent through the soffit. I’ll email a pic a to anyone that wants to resize it to post here showing what happens when you vent a bath fan like this in a cold climate.

Originally Posted By: jremas
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did not go through the soffit, just layed on top of it. No Good. Inside the soffit is not vented to the exterior.

Jeff Remas
REMAS Inspections, Inc.
Northeastern PA & the Poconos


Originally Posted By: dbroad
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I dident like the wire kinking the hose. However I have one that looks just like that one in my house and it is ran to a pipe that goes up to vent on the outside. Couldn’t see the end. icon_redface.gif