Originally Posted By: roconnor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don … thats a pretty harsh reply. Tone it down a bit, okay … or break out the wallet crowbar and get a high speed connection (like everyone else except maybe you and me).
Jeff ... nice to see ya back on the board posting issues. But, this is a Structural" issue how?
Also, post multiple picks with links so those of us with a dial up connection like me can actually wait to load all the pics to comment on ... and add some lines between the pics/links so it's not 3 miles wide bro (rookie poster ... lol) ... 
-- Robert O'Connor, PE
Eagle Engineering ?
Eagle Eye Inspections ?
NACHI Education Committee
I am absolutely amazed sometimes by how much thought goes into doing things wrong
Originally Posted By: scieslewicz This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I've seen several of your posts on this forum the last couple of days. Your demeanor is not that of an inspector. You indicate on your profile that you're a "builder inspector carpenter". Do the profession a favor: go take an etiquette class and then take the ICC Residential Building Inspector exam, then get a couple of years of experience on construction sites dealing with the "carpenters" and trades!
Oh....here's a first etiquette tip; I've never seen any inspector or professional on this board with the name "Dude". Address professionals by their names please. Second tip; there are women that frequent this board, your degrading comments are not necessary.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Don wrote:
My clients love me so far they apprciete my nature. I know hwoe to handle them just fine.
You guys want to start giving me a hard time I will go and join anothe organziation when i am readey. dont be assholes.
A boast, a defensive comment, a threat, and an insult all rolled into one post.