New electrical breaker issue for me

Today I had two tandem breakers added at the bottom of the box. However, neither one appeared to be fully engaged. Upon a closer inspection the slot on the breaker was too short to allow the breaker to go in any further. Turns out these two tandem breakers were labeled HOMT vs the standard breakers labeled HOM.

The HOMT tandem breaker has a rejection feature built into the breaker casing. The rejection feature is a ‘Short Notch’ in the breaker casing, where the breaker plugs onto the bus stab of the load center. This short notch prevents the HOMT from fully engaging the bus stab and therefore will prevent the dead front/cover from fully seating over the branch breakers. Only certain Homeline load center catalog numbers that were designed to accept tandem breakers will allow the tandem to be installed.
NOTE: If the load center is not designed to accept HOMT tandem breakers, then the HOMT’s CANNOT be installed in the load center, it would require a newer load center that is designed to accept tandem breakers.



Someone actually installed the breaker like that and left it that way?

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Probably been like this for a long time.

Amazing the stuff you guys find on a daily basis.