Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When I saw this, I freaked.
Why are you freaking on your home inspections? Calm down.
Just show your client how to correct this fiasco and write it up.
You're going to have a nervous breakdown!
Originally Posted By: jonofrey This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi David,
I guess I freak because this is a new home. It's in the 250k price range. There are multiple people responsible for supervising the construction. There is no excuse for this type of blatant incompetence. The coke bottle I can understand. The lack of roof to brick flashings is a major boo boo.
Inside the structure there was a simpson strong wall that was mislocated as well. Basically, it wasn't tied in to anything of structural significance. I had to call it out to a structural expert.
Maybe freak is too strong a word but I did say "holy sh!t" out loud when I noticed the flashing in the pictures.