I am considering adding Thermal Imaging / Infrared to my arsenal. I have no training or camera but have owned and operated successful HI business for 5+ yrs. I have too many questions for this thread. Where can I learn about start-up?
I am considering adding Thermal Imaging / Infrared to my arsenal. I have no training or camera but have owned and operated successful HI business for 5+ yrs. I have too many questions for this thread. Where can I learn about start-up?
Training Schedule
Training Schedule
Expandyour IR & EMT horizons with The Snell Group’s top notch live infraredtraining, live webinars, on-demand webinars, and pre-recorded online classes.
If you’re only going to use it for home inspection, then Monroe has the best program for you. Monroe Infrared – 33 years focused on infrared
I did several of these from Flir.
Infrared Training Center
I got my training at Flir also .
I was Certified by Flir also. The classes with Monroe are done by Flir also, but they are geared towards home inspection.
What about business structure? Are you all doing IR as an add-on ancillary service or included w/ inspections?
I think you should spend more time on this board and see how the industry goes instead trying to get a quick lesson on how IR is used .
Infraspection offers a certification class with a discount for InterNACHI members.
Roy, if you don’t want to answer the question and don’t have anything constructive to add to the thread you can choose not to post a reply.
I am in the process of gathering information now and will certainly need classes and education.
Everyone else… Are you all doing IR as an add-on ancillary service or included w/ inspections?
Most do it for free. Many of those have it priced correctly for the value provided. For some, that’s overpriced.
IMO: to do it competently requires a significant investment in training, thermography equipment, ancillary equipment, time on site and time reporting, not to mention an increase in liability because you are now operating beyond the HI SOP and visual, non-expert inspection protocols.
As a business owner, If I’m going to take all of that on. I’m going to be paid for it.
Great post Chuck. OP, one you should consider.
Morning Ryan. Hope you are well and in good spirits today.
To answer your well formed questions, I am ‘utilizing’ IR, infrared, 1: As an add-on ancillary service. 2: During typical/usual home inspection, not in that order mind you.
Equipment. Fluke Ti300 60hZ thermal Camera. Very solid and versatile. 240x180 (43,200 pixels). ≤ 0.05 °C at 30 °C target temp (50 mK). I read somewhere now 30mK sensitivity with the latest smart view revision. The lower the better. 3.5 inch diagonal landscape color VGA (640 x 480) touch sensitive LCD with backlight. Most thermal cameras the same VGA size or larger. 60 seconds maximum recording time per image; reviewable playback on camera.
Monetary gain. I charge more per home inspection and charge a fee for ancillary inspections.
Positives. Parse out certain defects faster.
Good marketing.
There are questions to parise out from my answer you will come to learn over time.
There are quantitive and qualitive inspections. Hopefully Chuck Evens will explain the difference by reconsidering his answer. “Most do it for free.”
I do not know one home inspector that works for free. As well, they would be liable.
From my experience, reading blogs, talking to inspectors that use entry level infrared thermography thermal imaging equipment, education and the type of inspection they perform equates to monetary rewards they consider equitable.
Hope that helps.
Sorry for the edit.
When it comes to education, there is a world leader, Infraspection Institute. No disputing this. Chuck Evens knows the director. When it comes to thermal imaging, Chuck is the most knowledgeable I feel at InterNACHI but there are some other members that are very qualified and maybe more so, but they do not blog much.
Personally, I have taken 3 courses. I completed 2 successfully.
The course I will complete is year, and it’s about time, is from Infraspection Institute. Industry Specific. Infrared Inspections for Home & Building Inspectors.
I have all the material.
Please, look at all the courses they have to offer. Infraspection Institute courses.
Call me if you do this course. InterNACHI member get a discount. We can study together.
Happy holidays.
Best regards.
** Sorry you took my post as an insult . **
I am serious about my post there is much information provided on this forum (I did post information on this string ) all you need to do is look for it The Choice is yours .