Below are pictures from a 2021 new build (home) plumbing trap installed below the sink in Ontario, Canada. The plumbing has been passed by a City Building Officer (inspector). However, the trap appears to be missing in my opinion. Any plumbers have any comments?
Can’t see any actual detail in your photo, so my WAG is the trap is below the cabinet base or in the basement. In the US it must be within 24 inches of the tailpiece.
The trap should be below in between the floor joists. Because it is not visible / accessible, they installed a clean-out.
the one reason a p-trap is installed under a sink is if you drop something into the sink you can get it out. like a ring or something.
So is the trap installed underneath hard piped or a standard trap you can take apart?
So what if a homeowner does not know there is a trap installed underneath, and then goes about installing a trap where it should be, Well then its not double trapped.
There should be a required sticker or posting on the pipes stating it is trapped underneath.
As a home inspector I would call it out as being missing, not knowing it was underneath , especially if the living space below was finished, you would never know it was there.
That’s what I would think based on what can be seen in the picture. @tgovia were you able to see what was under the floor/cabinet? From the basement/crawl space?
No I could not see if the trap was below the cabinet base (the cabinet was already nailed together), or the floor, or the basement, or the joists in the basement (drywall ceiling was installed in the basement).
Exactly why, (as Marcel stated). there was a cleanout installed… due to no access to the trap for service/cleaning.
Biggest reason you have a trap is to create a seal for sewer odors coming into the home.
You’re right. The strainer is what keeps the trap free of large debris.
Yeah I know this, I went to college for architectural engineering and CADD in 1989-1992. But then started a career as a contractor in 1993 realizing I didn’t want to spend my days behind a desk. And just starting out being a home inspector this year. I spent 28 years as a contractor and I know the purpose of a trap. And the reason why bathroom and kitchen traps should be accessible.
no worries, I have seen others post that same reason in the past, as the sole purpose. These posts are good for newbies
Thanks all
Welcome to our forum, Tova!..Enjoy and participate.
If you can’t see it then it isn’t there or incorrectly installed (more than 24").