Originally Posted By: W. HAIRSTON This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Anyone willing to mentor me for the 50 inspections with a licensed inspector?? Recently finished and passed entire 10 module course. Live in Central New Jersey. Please reply if interested in helping a fellow inspector, I’ve been searching for a few months and no one has been available or providing mentoring. Thanks
Also go to the places where inspectors hang out - NACHI, ALPHI, and ASHI meetings. Be polite and presentable. Bring a resume and be prepared for rejection.
Get on the phone an call every inspector in your area. Be prepared to offer them something in exchange for mentoring you. Don’t get discouraged if the first 20 guys say no, the 21st may say yes. And dont stop when someone says yes, you may need to line up 4 or 5 guys to get your 50 in in a reasonable amount of time.
Some may ask you to sign a waiver of release or a contract before the mentor you. Be sure that you understand what you sign before you sign it. It is hard, but do-able. I did it.
Originally Posted By: W. HAIRSTON This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well I’ve been rejected so far! I guess only time will tell. Its a bit discourging especially since it was extremely hard on my family during the ‘school’ process. I wasn’t able to work as many hours as I normally could have but this is just another hurdle to JUMP over.
Originally Posted By: tallen This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I ended up having to pay around 2500.00 for 30 ride alongs.I was able to get a couple 1 time deals for free but that was all. Nobody wants to train the competition.
– I have put the past behind me,
where , however, it now sits, making rude remarks.
Originally Posted By: rfarruggia This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
To save money on paying inspectors for mentoring, one fellow I met had an excellent arraingement. In exchange for the mentoring, he would pick up the inspector’s radon cannisters for free. Saved the inspector the time and expense of going back. Of course this would only work if you have your radon tech license.