The KHIRB will hold its next meeting on Thursday September 17th at the Crown Plaza Hotel at 12601 W. 95th St. Lenexa, Ks. The meeting is scheduled to begin 9:30 a.m. and will run until the completion of the agenda.
Who’s paying for the hotel?
The ASHI Chapter is having their annual semenar on 9/18 and 9/19 so at the last KHIRB meeting in Wicheeta - Jeff Barnes indicated that since most of the Kansas Home Inspectors would be at the ASHI guy meeting, he thought it would be logical and good to have the KHIRB meeting there in Lenexa at the hotel the day before the ASHI meeting.
I heard ASHI will cover the room
I am so glad A$HI is staying neutral on home inspector licensure.
At least KAR is not paying for the room.
Check Kansas right to work laws. Sounds like a union-led shop to me. Since most Kansas inspectors are NOT ASHI members, most home inspectors in Kansas will not be there. I bet the media, will be. Agents hate ASHI here in KC for several reasons. The days of ASHI here in Kansas is limited. I wonder how much money they will ask their members to “donate”?
And they are so dumb they only count the few jobs they think they get by being ASHI, totally oblivious to the many jobs they never get specifically because they are ASHI. I remind every agent in the U.S. that ASHI has no entrance requirements and remind agents of their fiduciary duty to their clients to specifically look for the ASHI logo and avoid it… and I have the 50,000 watt microphone.
“The internet is big, and I know how it works.*”