Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Code inspectors don’t catch them all.
I was just walking around looking and I came up with this one. Yes that is the Ground Electrode Conductor, being used as a hook for the low voltage cables.
I am not sure who said the service was ready but the meter is sealed and hot.
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I pulled the inspection report on the web site and the electrical inspector was there twice on the TUG, failed the first one for “no main breaker”.
I guess he was so happy they put in a breaker he didn’t look in the meter base for the GEC. That is what comes from doing 40 a day.
I am also surprised FPL set the meter. They are the ones who want the GEC in the meter base in the first place. They have that on their check list. The job super on this is going to catch some crap too. He likes to brag he used to be an electrician.