GEC: Another Free Inspection Related Graphic


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This graphic is incorrect. The conductor between the bus and the rod electrode is the grounding electrode conductor (GEC) not a grounded conductor.


Thanks. I’ll let our people research and fix.

You’re welcome. Nice graphics by the way. :sunglasses:

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Here is the revised graphic

Almost there, grounding electrode conductor.

I believe the grounding electrode should be below or at least flush with grade. The way it’s pictured gives the impression that it can stick up like that.


I believe the grounding electrode should be below or at least flush with grade. The way it’s pictured gives the impression that it can stick up like that.

Not here. They are all up about 6" above grade.

You’re correct Bob, a standard rod is only 8’ and the entire 8’ needs to be in contact with the earth so unless that is a 10’ rod it’s not permitted to be installed as depicted.

We use two here, and leave a bit above grade so the inspector can see the clamp.

Image updated in Gallery.

You’re a tough crowd.


Updated Gallery. Thanks.

Randy, invoice me for any graphics you update for us.

Randy, the grass in your image contains blades that are all the same color. Real grass blades vary in color slightly. Just sayin’. :wink:


I love your graphics. It has to be buried min. 8’, but the bonding clamp has to be visible, so an 8’ rod cannot do both. It must be longer.

I think @rmeier2 should get a cut :laughing:

Where I’m at it was more sunny today… can you change the graphic to reflect that? Also it was windy so maybe some lines showing the wind? Will advise when weather changes

And update that copyright date to 2022, to reflect the likely end date of the discussion and revision process.

The top of the rod should be flush or below grade.

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