No bonding screw?

I was inspecting this main panel and noticed there was no bonding screw connecting the neutral and ground bus bars. I do, however, see a metal plate that runs from the bottom on the ground bus to the bottom of the neutral bus that runs behind the breakers (You have to zoom in to see it). Is this a bonding strip? Or did I get that wrong?

Yes, the grounds and neutrals are bonded with that strip, and then bonded to the panel since they are mechanically fastened to the box.


Ah! Thank you!

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It is not evident in the photo but meter/panel combos typically have the neutral factory bonded.


Thank you Robert. I could have done a better job zooming in, but there is a plate bonding the two that runs behind the hot bus bars. Was kind of hard to see, even close up. But thank you for pointing out they are factory built that way.