Does anyone else call out the lack of underlayment under architectural shingles on an awning roof over a garage door? Also, on the returns at the gable roof ends. It wouldn’t take that much expense to add tarpaper while up there to apply the shingles. That’'s 7/16" OSB decking we’re talking about.
Absolutely! Most every shingle manufacturer requires it. Manufacturer requirement trumps code/AHJ opinion.
Yep, for sure, what JJ said.
Flashing is required also at the wall juncture, but can’t tell with this crappy photo.
Maybe they are not done yet, looks like work in progress.
It looks like there is flashing there, If not it is too late, the siding has already been installed, Oh, Well. Good enough for who it is for.
Plus, you can’t see t from my house…
what makes You think they are not going to install it when they do the shingles ?
The “crappy” picture you see was cropped from a screenshot of two homes directly across the street from the property being inspected. I had already found the same defect on the subject property awning roof and gable returns. There was tar paper over the rest of the roof decking.
If it were me i would have had ice and water shield installed in those areas at the time the shingles were installed I would not have put my ladders up and down all day to do it before and I sure wouldn’t want to pay one of my guys to waste time playing with ladders. Now that You are saying that picture involves three different homes, I really don’t know what You are talking about.
I’ve called out the same deficiency several times in the past. It doesn’t do anything to improve the relationship with builders and flippers. Apparently some home inspectors don’t have a clue either.
well there is no shingles installed yet. so how do you know they are not going to install underlayment?
The same crystal ball that tells me there are a number of pincushions and self-suffocaters in this thread.
Who pissed in your cornflakes?
But, to answer your question, IMO that is a roof surface and should have all the same components as any roof such as underlayment and flashing.
It is always amazing to see the same defects consistently from one builder to another. Just proves the builders don’t pay to have good project managers keeping a close eye on the subcontractors.
Agreed, but I am no longer amazed…it is expected.
What is amazing about it is that they brazenly continue, with the defects that could be so easily prevented. Maybe that’s because they get so much support from so many of the home inspectors who won’t call out a defect.
Maybe, it is not quantifiable. I asked a super one time how many of his homes had been inspected? He answered maybe one out of ten.