Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Joe, I am here in Sanibel Island, Florida. and like you, I always bring my camera. Well, here is a good one, an electric water heater installed in the rear of my cottage, yup outside, no cover, fed with a 3 conductor ??? dryer cord... but hey they used a WP receptacle... HA HA HA. The silicone caulk is a classic too...
Originally Posted By: Blaine Wiley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would not dare to speak for those more eloquent than I, but I wrote something like this on yesterdays:
* Installation of the water heater was improper and appeared to be the result of amateur workmanship. Improper plumbing and electrical work was present. Correction by a qualified licensed contractor is advised.
Between that and the picture in the report, most with a brain can tell it is a true clusterf@$k situation 
Originally Posted By: jpeck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would start with "water heater not approved for installation outdoors … " and end with " … after relocating water to indoors, properly connect all plumbing and electrical’.
The middle area can be as simple or as concise as you want to make your list of what is wrong.