Office Software Recommendation

Good afternoon All
Looking for office/CRM software recommendations.
No ISN Or NXt Inspekt, please
And be warned Nxt Inspekt is not honoring the deal they gave me on this InterNACHI site.

I thought we had some time, but as you see below in an email I received yesterday we have another inspector support company in the game not honoring their offer of 5 years of free software.
And for the record, we have only been using them for 10 months.

See the email I received below

I am reaching out because before Nxt Inspekt was sold last year. The previous owners gave out a 5-year free trial. We hope that you have enjoyed the free use of our software for the past two years, but unfortunately, we will be ending this free trial starting March 1 st . The cost would only be $3 dollars per scheduled inspection for the first 50 inspections and will drop to $2 per inspection thereafter…HOWEVER, I was told if you guys switched to our E/O Insurance then I could continue to provide you with your amazing Nxt Inspekt free trial.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!
Chris Higginbotham
Client Relations Manager

I don’t know if this will help but I use Carson/Dunlop-C/D Horizon business/reporting software. All in one home inspection business software.


Hey Nick… what you got to say about this?
Is this how InterNachi allows Vendors to use/abuse/take advantage of it’s Members?
Hope not!!


Thank you Jeffrey

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I received the same email from them.

At least these “data miners” are wising up a little bit.

No surprise the “deaĺ” was a Scam. Considering who owned the software.
Simply start your account and send an email to Nathan Thornberry

3 Likes - admin and reporting software in one


The one with the $100,000.00 deductible? LOL!


A few software options combine reporting and back office software into one offering. Home Inspector Pro is one and I think a company called Spectora or something like that offers it too.



Whaa? Did I mess up one of their names? I don’t know, just vaguely heard of them on the forum. :man_shrugging:


:smirk::roll_eyes: No comment…

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