NXT INSPEKT administrative software for home inspection businesses, the fastest and most feature-rich software of its kind, is now available for free for five full years for InterNACHI members.
Simply start your account at www.NXTinspekt.com and send an email to Nathan Thornberry personally at NThornberry@rwswarranty.com immediately after and your account billing will be paused for FIVE YEARS.
NXT INSPEKT automates your business processes, agreements, report delivery, and more along with state of the art business reporting. Over 1300 inspectors are currently utilizing the platform that has been developed at a cost of nearly $2 million.
NXT INSPEKT gives you the flexibility in your business to change report software without having to move your database as well and runs at double the speed of any competing platforms.
Don’t miss out on this deal - it’s good through the end of 2021.
I have no idea about the product, but the Vendor is one of the biggest dirtbags ever to be seen on this MB. and I would NEVER give that asshat the opportunity to even come close to seeing any of my business documents!! I would recommend that you research his past post history on this MB, but you can’t. Nick purged all his posts a few years ago when he was BANNED from this MB!! Now why do you think he would do that? He should be ashamed for even posting this ‘announcement’ on this MB, especially after the dirtbag threatened many members with lawsuits!! I’m sure Nick lumps it all under “posting opportunities that some members may want”. IMO, they may only want this, if they don’t know about the vendor history here!!
BEWARE of any FREE anything from this vendor… because it isn’t!! THERE IS ALWAYS A CATCH!!
I think Nate smells blood in the water from ISN being sold. I’ve heard some people have had less than stellar experiences since then. As usually happens when a big VC buys out the little guys. So he’s taking the Google approach of make it free, that’s a big moat to cross, and a generally effective way to capture market share.
Anybody that get’s in bed with him, damn well better read the Terms and Privacy Policies with a fine tooth comb, and whatever isn’t crystal clear, have your attorney review it before agreeing to anything!!
Remember, BY LAW, you are required to safeguard your clients information from the ilk of him and others.
DO NOT make the mistake of signing away your rights and control!
When a lead broker who harvests and sells private data from home inspectors has direct access to your client’s information … it is HE, not you, who is getting five years of free service.
This is the same Nathan Thornberry that you banned from NACHI a few years back, right? Wasn’t he banned for unethical behavior, or something along those lines?
I hope the other venders that sell their (Dominic) product remember this “free” offer to the NACHI members when the Christmas party rolls around and you expect them to donate.
You know that’s absolutely not true! Why would you lie about that when I made you a great offer? When there’s a HIP user that has a kid up for the scholarship, I’ll donate for them. I take care of our HIP users just like you take care of yours!