oir meeting update as it progress's

Who will pay for that?

The building departments are going to get tired of that real quick?

Please try to get them to see that making it more difficult is only going to make the problems worse and harder for clients to get the credits they deserve.

Please ask who the OIR works for? Who if anyone are they supposed to protect?

Where will the money come from to enforce this stuff?

Will they be making it clear that if insurance companies do not accept forms from qualified inspectors then the insurance companies MUST pay and send their own guy?

Talking about getting data in some areas is very difficult

Lol, we all need to put our wallets together and create the send Meeker to the Meetings fund. Let him ask all the tough questions and deal with the BS.

Bull crap I know of a few just from the guys in our forum.

Why is Don for the requirements and why does he think the risk is worth someone dying?

Technology is great and having you do this is greatly appreciated. By me at least :slight_smile:

Now thet want the proof of the roof permit to be included in the form-

I think Russel is doing an amazing job so far.

I am jut pleased someone apparently has been listening.

Thanks to Bob Farr.

He is, but I know 1/2 the guys in there are thinking the same questions you are but it doesn’t sound like they are speaking up.

If they want proof they can get it themselves just like I have to for each inspection. My word is good enough. I have met their licensing requirements and risk losing that license if I were to lie or perpetrate fraud. Why would I do that.

It already is when I say the roof meets the requirements.

I normally attach the permit number and the date completed.

What more could they possibly want?

It was stated what about cities that are not online as far as’permitting goes what about cities that you havevisit to get the actual document.

Don’t have any of those in my area thank god. 1 or two aren’t online and a quick phone call gets all the info.

Spelling and grammar does not count on these posts due to speed

Bottom o page instead of 5 years it should say UP TO 5 years because of a client updating something they should get th credit

Precisely why it is the clients responsibility to obtain the information and not our responsibility.

Homeowners can 99% of the time take care of it with a phone call.

If they want stuff from the permit office the permit office WILL charge and If I have to go there it is 100 minimum for up to 1 hr of my time. More time will equal more money. Who is going to pay these costs? The clients?

What about the places that are only open 4 days a week.

We need the form to be less difficult not more difficult.

Hold inspectors responsible for what we say we see. If anyone doubts us then we can show what we have is proof.

It seems to me that once again the homeowners will get the short end of the stick. Who is looking out for them?

While you are there why not ask why page one has to have the address on it twice :slight_smile:

Insurance consume advocate is stating that the document needs to find a way to be correct.

Fraud is going to get slammed in the future. Not mistakes, but fraud.

Looking for a way for the consumer to have an avenue to address problems.

Good it should be.

Where is the money going to come from to do the Slamming? Really.
Talk is really cheap and without funding how will it happen?

Then they should also be taking us on our word on what we observe and not what we can photograph.

Looking for ways to hold the inspector liable for wrong information.