on another interior basement system and wall anchors or something like that and, they did NOT dig ummm, EXXXXXcavate. They did not remove, relieve, reduce the cause (s), the weight, soil pressure, underground roots, porch footing…whatever it is… that caused the cracks in wall, bowed wall and subsequent leaks through the dumb cracks! And obviously they did not waterproof the exterior wall :35… 'previous contractor $20,000 ish.
now this guy/company is pretty much going to do the same things! lol 4:45… going to install another interior basement system… WHY? Holy SMELL man.
Putting beams, braces, wall anchors or whatever against the inside of the wall (whether one straightens it or not), will NOT remove, reduce, relieve ANY of the exterior cause(s) of… why the wall bowed in, cracks, leaked!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB-O9aDo7PM …‘Exposed failed foundation repair rip off’
A wall can continue to move, bow, crack if one doesn’t remove, reduce, relieve the cause(s) on the friggin exterior of the wall, hello.
Sheesh, if a big tree limb falls/lands on your ROOF… and causes damage, are you going to leave it there, leave it on your roof and instead go up in the attic and install some sort of interior water diverting system up there and install some type of moronic ‘roof braces’, huh? Come on man.
If you scroll down to, Basement wall damage, cause, resolution… https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/publications/marineclay.htm … do they tell homeowners to install an interior basement system and some beams, anchors etc?