Here you show that an interior system was previously installed, a dumb azz incompetent inside pressure relief system ](*,)
Right off the bat in video…you say, incorrectly think, ‘that an interior pressure relief system is supposed to relieve lateral pressure’. ](,)](,)](*,)
He says it again :10…‘should have been relieved by the system’.
TOTAL NONSENSE man! (He says it several times! lol)
Not only are there multiple EXTERIOR cracks and cracked parging in wall (if the wall was ever parged when built that is), but some of those BOTTOM blocks
:22… are/have deteriorated and wall of course is bowing in.
1:05, he says ’ Had this system been installed properly, this (the cracks, bowed wall etc) wouldn’t have happened’. TOTAL NONSENSE!
2:15, apparently straightened duh wall and, makes a big deal of how it looks on the inside NOW, at this point in time!
2:30 says, ‘Your never going to have a problem with this wall again.’ lolol
If you didn’t waterproof the EXTERIOR wall and remove the soil and any underground roots etc then it’s HIGHLY LIKELY the homeowner will see more interior cracks or existing cracks that were patched over inside, pop open again.
And, water will absolutely continue to enter the wall, the blocks on the outside because…there ARE exterior cracks etc on, the OUTSIDE! jesus!!
2:45… a NEW PATIO! Wow, you just put MORE pressure against the basement wall! The WEIGHT of that new patio/concrete is, will push down on the existing soil and ADD more pressure against that already WEAKENED basement wall.
If this guy/company didn’t waterproof the exterior wall and backfill correctly then this basement wall is in for MORE PROBLEMS, cracks, leaks.
JUST LIKE this basement wall…same crap, an interior system was installed, what happened!!
JUT LIKE this wall, pressure relief (pfftt!) system previously installed here too…and?
Same dumb INCOMPETENT bs…a salesperson or owner of an interior system company sold and installed another inept system to a homeowner based on lies, myths, incompetent storytelling for…self gain!!
An interior system, a pressure relief system does NOT, CANNOT relieve/reduce lateral pressure against basement walls man!@!@!@!!! WAKE UP!
When a wall is bowing in due to clay soil and-or underground tree roots againt it and-or a porch footing or concrete slabs against it then…THAT needs to be REMOVED in order to ‘relieve, reduce’ the pressure against it!!!