Oklahoma Test

Hi Ben, et al.,

I just passed the National Home Inspectors Exam for Oklahoma. I must say it seemed pretty hard as there were many ambiguous words and phrases that I was not used to seeing in the exam prep and from the courses. It even seemed to be harder than the test I took for Texas, but that was twelve years ago (and I am that much older!). The test asked questions that seemed to put the inspector in a position of making judgments not authorized by the SOP. There were many legal and contract related questions as well. That being said, I attribute my success to the online courses through InterNACHI, the exam prep and your great videos.

Thanks for everything,


Congratulations David. You might want to complete your profile so other inspectors know where you are.

Thanks Charles. I’m in Del City and I think that is in my profile but it is not showing up for some reason.

I think Oklahoma uses the goofy NHIE, which shouldn’t be used for licensing.

It was pretty goofy alright. There was a huge difference between the InterNACHI exam and the NHIE.

I just passed the NHIE test today, first try. The practice test questions certainly helped quite a bit. Thanks InterNACHI!!!

Congratulations Charles and David sure would like to have your smiling faces at a meeting

Thank you Sir! I attended your thermal imaging presentation in OKC a couple of moths ago, and look forward to more of those meetings. In the mean time, I will be studying for my IRC/B1.

I am studying to take the test. Hopefully I can pass it in one shot.

What did you guys use to study? Was it just from here or did you use the NHIE manual as well?

Looking forward to passing it and getting started.

Didn’t know about that. I think I’ll take it as I am being asked to do code checks more often lately.
I have 3 contracts so I don’t get stung between providing residential inspection services and my other work…

On another note I am taking the NHIE in the next week or so to get a Wisconsin license. Can’t wait!