I just passed the National Home Inspectors Exam for Oklahoma. I must say it seemed pretty hard as there were many ambiguous words and phrases that I was not used to seeing in the exam prep and from the courses. It even seemed to be harder than the test I took for Texas, but that was twelve years ago (and I am that much older!). The test asked questions that seemed to put the inspector in a position of making judgments not authorized by the SOP. There were many legal and contract related questions as well. That being said, I attribute my success to the online courses through InterNACHI, the exam prep and your great videos.
Thanks for everything,
(Charles Wallace, OK License # 70001308)
Congratulations David. You might want to complete your profile so other inspectors know where you are.
Thank you Sir! I attended your thermal imaging presentation in OKC a couple of moths ago, and look forward to more of those meetings. In the mean time, I will be studying for my IRC/B1.
Didn’t know about that. I think I’ll take it as I am being asked to do code checks more often lately.
I have 3 contracts so I don’t get stung between providing residential inspection services and my other work…