Old hot water heater without TPR valve?

Hi All!

Just completed an inspection on a 1947 1000 Sq Ft home. The water heater appeared old but I am unable to date it using the serial number as demonstrated on www.building-center.org. I did not see a TPR valve. Were they always required or was there a year when they started requiring TPR valves?

IMO… anytime you see any appliance where the Data plate is attached with screws or rivets… it is time to budget for replacement… sooner than later!!


I have seen old water heaters without a TPR valve. This one I would guess the age at 41st week of 1962?
JJ is right, time for a new one.


I agree.
The style Draft Hood supports that also.
If there was a color other than ‘white’, that often helps to confirm the decade.

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If that’s a brass appliance connector it’s a safety hazard. they were recalled some time ago.

CPSC_GASlines.pdf (189.0 KB)

Course if there’s no TPR it’s just a ticking time bomb.


I got curious, so I did a bit of digging. Apparently, TPR valves came about as a result of research by DIERS … “The Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems (DIERS) was formed in 1976 as consortium of 29 companies to develop methods for the design of emergency relief systems to handle runaway reactions.

While there is nothing specific on the introduction of the TPR, I think it’s safe to say that a boiler manufactured in 1962 probably predates the invention of the valve as we know it, although I’m willing to bet that “other methods” have been tried over the years!

Interesting topic, and I learned something else I didn’t know, so a good day all round!

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Thanks Robert! I was not aware of those concerns with or the recall of uncoated brass appliance connectors.

Just report it as “OAF”, needs to be replaced and move on. :crazy_face:

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