There were several of these valves in a 1968 house that looked to be in good condition. Is there any reason why I should call them out anyway? Are these known to fail?
Not sure about the valve without knowing the brand and looking it up, but there are some more issues I see going on here.
yea definitely
Everything fails at some point.
I know of no reason to call them out, especially if they operated and looked in good condition.
There was a thread recently about these valves.
I would suggest you perform a SEARCH for it, but I’m afraid Ben will ‘rip me a new one’ if he finds out!
I actually did with you in mind, I hope that gives you some comfort. Didn’t try very hard though.
Obviously… only took me 5 seconds!!
And you had to wait 3 minutes for your first reply!!
Thanks Jeff! Knew I could count on you instead of searching
What’s nice is that you worded your thread title to make it “findable” for the next person looking into old gas valves. This is something everyone should learn to do if their thread could contain useful information for future searchers.