Originally Posted By: osmith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello All,
I came across a sump pump that was in an outdoor pit. I work and live in the NW suburbs of Chicago, so we get one hell of a winter. Wouldn't this be a HUGE problem during the freezing months of the year?
Originally Posted By: rhinck This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you think about it- the sumphas to be at or below the footing line. If in fact it is shallow enough to freeze, then the water around the house is frozen also. I see a fair amount of this in central Illinois and usually the pit is 6+ ft deep with the pump in the bottom. I am more concerned with a secure type of lid that is childproof.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I don’t want to appear dense but why have a sump pump outside? I have sat here for 10 minutes trying to get my head around this and I just can’t, so please enlighten me.
Originally Posted By: rcooke This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
lewens wrote:
I don't want to appear dense but why have a sump pump outside? I have sat here for 10 minutes trying to get my head around this and I just can't, so please enlighten me.
I do believe they are used a lot in the Winnipeg area . I did a lovely $600,000:00 ( in this area that is a lot of home ) it had a sump pump very flat ground and they could not get the basement warm it tested elevated moisture reading ever where . I recommended he put in an out side dewatering system to lover the water table another 2 feet and I thought it should help . I met the owner 6 months later and he told me how happy he was with me and my ideas and how well it worked . The basement became so much more livable and his neighbors all love me to it has helped them too .
I did a large Lamp black Handling system for General Tire in Cobourg years ago and they going to loose 6 100 foot siloes due to the ground water loosing the soil and they put this system in and saved the day .
More info with a google search here is one place to get a bit of info.
Roy Cooke sr........ Royshomeinspection.com