Overexposed shingles

Before I destroy the hopes and dreams of this seller there is not a shingle that’s allowed to be over exposed like this is there? This roof looks pretty darn brand new

I personally don’t think i would call it out unless you were seeing the tips of nails exposed, or if they were just barely covered. Were the shingles sealed down to each other?


I agree with Daniel…and were they sealed to each other, as he asked? :man_shrugging:

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Some were secured some were not.

They also reused the old plastic Roof vents.

This is the third layer of roofing that i could see.

When i come across shingles that are overexposed my wording is along the lines of

Some shingles found to be overexposed. This can prevent proper adhesion of upper layer of shingles to lower layer of shingles. While no obvious issues from this were noted at time of inspection we recommend further evaluation by a licensed roofing contractor

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Roof looks like it is aging well.
Roof shingle exposure is defined as; the amount of a shingle whose upper surface is not overlapped by the next successive shingle course or in some roofing patterns, the amount of the shingle that is not overlapped by a side-adjacent shingle. Only the manufacture knows.
Typically, 5 5/8" for architectural grade shingles, Certain manufacturers designed their shingles to resemble a wood-shake roof, permit an exposure of 8 1/4" - a feature intended to provide more area of roof coverage per shingle course, thus using fewer total shingles and reducing material cost for the roof.

Three layers of shingles is not accepted in my area. Insurance companies wouldn’t like it.

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I just ran up on the roof and there’s 6 3/8 exposed and I know some have more exposure

That sounds good… :+1:

Just narrate what you see and refer it out to a qualified roofing contractor. Like David mentioned, 3 layers is not good.

It would be good if you knew the brand and model so you could look it up on the internet for verification.


I did ask the seller if he knew the brand or where they were from as this was a pre-inspection. He could not recall where he got them from or what the brand was.

That’s what I would report as improper installtion. Not allowed by most if not all manufacturers, and would definitely avoid any warranty. Adds extra weight to the roof system. Plus in my area it would be a fire safety issue.

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Yeah, 3 layers is no good for a variety of reasons from insurance to stress on the building.

As for the over-exposure, I’d definitely note it in some manner so the next guy doesn’t make you look bad. It likely voids any warranty (the same warranty that is long gone as the third layer :slight_smile: ). I’ve seen homeowners do that by mistaking the nailing lines embossed on the shingles for the overlap line. The “nesting” looks poorly done too and they are all cupped - one more reason to not go three layers.


Just to clarify, did you actually see older layers under this layer? You can only tell that by the rake edge.

Architectural shingles have a total of 3 layers when complete (at the thicker sections)


Some roofers will sometimes run a starter shingle up the rake making it look like another layer of shingles.
images (3)


Yes I could see the layers. I looked very closely

If it had a starter strip, that would be 7 layers, 6 if not. May even more in some areas with architectural.

Definitely a sandwich

I usually have an easier time at the drip edge.

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Youre right, you can tell from there too. Just a habit, I guess. :smiley:

My concern is where there’s evidence one unprofessional install, it rarely ends there.
That’s a roof to look really carefully at.