This just in! Palin was trained by Nicholas Fehn on how to interview!
Now she’s starting to make sense. :shock::mrgreen:
Who was the President???
***McCain Camp insiders say Palin “clueless”***]( Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as “disastrous.” One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, “What are we going to do?” The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is “clueless.”
Unamed insiders in the McCain camp.
What a surprise.
Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not.
We will have to wait and see.
Even you must admit it kinda makes sense, bet the Biden-Palin debate has better ratings then the McCain-Obama debate.
I’ll have my popcorn and milk duds ready for sure. It’s going to be like watching “Meet the Fockers”, you know that embarrassed, uncomfortable feeling you get for the poor sap?
Ed Schultz now there is someone you can rely on for accurate rebublican news???
Put the article Joe quoted aside, can you honestly say you weren’t embarrassed watching the Couric interview? :shock:
Indeed, embarrassed both with Palin and Biden but I see you only mentioned one in your post:shock::shock:
There’s a difference mis-quoting facts and putting the nail in the coffin that you’re a true hockey mom and should stay in the minivan.
At the end of the day she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together. Sure she choked in the interview so what? Biden has been doing it for years!
It appears that McCain is working on new and expanded ways to Flip-Flop.
McCain’s Campaign is a Train Wreck: Premature Ad Declares He Won Debate
After days of saying that John McCain would not attend Friday’s presidential debate unless an agreement on a bailout package for the markets was “locked-down,” the McCain campaign has gone back on its word.
On Friday, it announced that the Senator would head down to Mississippi even though, as they readily admit, much work remained needed on the bailout agreement.
The whole episode left even conservatives admitting that the McCain campaign looked erratic and a bit foolish with no apparent direction or guiding principle.
“It just proves his campaign is governed by tactics and not ideology,” said Republican consultant Craig Shirley, who advised McCain earlier in this cycle. “In the end, he blinked and Obama did not. The ‘steady hand in a storm’ argument looks now to more favor Obama, not McCain.”
Shirley added, "My guess is that plasma units are rushing to the McCain campaign as we speak to replace the blood flowing there from the fights among the staff."
Adding to the rocky perception was a McCain campaign web ad released this morning declaring “McCain Wins Debate!” – put out even before the candidate had announced he was planning to debate.
ROTFLMAO! (part four?)
Have to agree there Joe! The McCain team is lacking for sure and its hurting him. He can’t afford mistakes considering most news outlets do not even attemp to keep it near fair and are proud of the fact they are in bed with Obama. He needs some fresh faces because he has to beat Obama and the press and he can’t do it with the team he has.
If it is any consolation I hate the press too, the way they are pushing this bailout plan like it is the only answer sickens me, so I know how you feel, but in regards to McCain he is simply a poor candidate who will probably not win which might be best for all concerned. In retrospect it is becoming quite obvious that he did not pick the best running mate.
Stop agreeing with me OK?
He’s playing a head game on Obama.
No doubt that works the other way too! In the long run, if we lose and make it through the next four years maybe the world will wake up and the republicans would have paid there dues by then.
I am back to wondering if his team is a head case. They never prepared Palin for the interviews like they are paid to do. They rarely seem to give him good advice (or could it be he don’t listen) It needs to change and chane quick. At this point I am not sure if he will fare well tonight although I hope he does. Long story short! If he would have handled these last two weeks better I would have threw him another $100.00 bone. But instead I threw his mail out in the trash. No bisquit this week McCain/Palin! Prove me wrong tonight!
He better win three of the four debates or there might be trouble.[object Object]&pp=ZNxdm824OHUS