Originally Posted By: Phil Avery This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hello All,
My question is, I looked at a house yesterday, 29 years old. The Main distribution panel was located in the masterbedroom closet, 100A Main circuit breaker. This closet was on an exterior wall. The Meter was directly behind this panel on the exterior of the house.
The panel was in front of the bi-fold doors (clearance was there).
What about the Main 100Amp circuit breaker? Is this location ok?
I would think not? What if the fire dept. or whoever needs to turn power off to the house?
Any help or online diagrams would be very helpful.
Thanks for the help in advance. I tried the search but could not find anything.
Originally Posted By: Phil Avery This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I new the code now stated that (panels in closets), but I was wondering about the Main Circuit Breaker being in the closet? I could not find it anyplace. It just don't seem right to me.
Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
The code actually says “overcurrent devices” and the main CB is one.
240.24(D) Not in Vicinity of Easily Ignitible Material. Overcurrent devices shall not be located in the vicinity of easily ignitible material, such as in clothes closets.